Discussion: Federal Appeals Court Makes Surprise Ruling In Texas Voter ID Case

I have an idea. Since voter fraud doesn’t really exist, maybe you can just can the whole thing and save some time?

Oh, shit. This is Texas. Nevermind. This has absolutely nothing to do with voter fraud and everything to do with making sure certain people don’t vote. My bad.

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The 5th Circuit was cagey in that regard. They refused to hold that the law was intentionally meant to keep minorities from voting; rather they said the result of law was that affect.

They refused to admit voter fraud is a sham.

I think they’ve already pondered, if not patented, the concept. LOL

I’m just waiting for TEXit. I’d move there just to vote for secession, and then move back. I’m white so I could get away with it.

“Who are you people, and what have you done with the Fifth Circuit?”

If Texas can’t get this law past the Fifth Circuit, things look really dire for NC’s voter suppression law before the Fourth. Granted, the theoretically deferential standard of review on findings of fact helps the Republicans given that they won in the district court, but they’re unlikely to get a panel that will be blind to the reality of racial discrimination in the Fourth.

And speaking as one who used to practice in the nation’s most conservative judicial district and no longer does (Thanks, Obama!), my sympathies to practitioner’s in the Fifth Circuit and my brickbats at every goddamn moron who thinks Hillary will be as bad as Trump.


I truly hope so with all my heart.


don’t give em any ideas…

not happening

I had to go into the ‘wayback machine’ and there have been at least four attempts at seceding (calling for it or actually doing it), and Texas has been a part of two failed attempts.

Changes are not the same as what he promised: he wants to fire Obama’s civil service appointees. Not quite the same thing as changing personnel in the administration.


Yeah, yeah, I know. LOL

I’d just as soon give it back to Mexico, but I don’t think Mexico would want to take it.

The thing was settled in 1864.

However, it doesn’t apply intra state, and I’m more than willing to let everything east of Mexia go to Louisiana and Arkansas.

Texas would go back to being a security buffer, if the Mexican government ever had the chance to buy that state back.

And by rights, El Paso belongs to New Mexico and Oklahoma is welcome to Amarillo.

We would just need a way to airlift the entire City of Austin (excluding the capitol building) somewhere north so they can Keep Austin Weird.



The Union of the States never was a purely artificial and arbitrary relation. It began among the Colonies, and grew out of common origin, mutual sympathies, kindred principles, similar interests, and geographical relations. It was confirmed and strengthened by the necessities of war, and received definite form and character and sanction from the Articles of Confederation. By these, the Union was solemnly declared to ‘be perpetual.’ And when these Articles were found to be inadequate to the exigencies of the country, the Constitution was ordained ‘to form a more perfect Union.’ It is difficult to convey the idea of indissoluble unity more clearly than by these words. What can be indissoluble if a perpetual Union, made more perfect, is not?

Salmon Chase


Fine with me - These days Austin tries too hard to keep it weird. It isn’t Austin anymore.

District Court responds:

Since it’s clearly demonstrated that what we’ve been doing works, and fraud is “exceedingly rare” with maybe 6 cases out of 52,000,000+ votes…

… how’s about we fucking just keep what we’ve fucking already been fucking doing? That fucking works for us. You?

I agree, when I lived in Seattle would get the ballot in the mail, fill it out that evening, mail on the way to work the next day. Done… then I would sit back and chuckle at the chuckleheads who would not start the advertising until about 10 days before the actual election. Sorry Charlie my vote had been cast at least 2 weeks prior… love your waste of money and told me that you did not have a clue.

As an aside, a voter guide would have been received in the mail maybe a week prior to the ballot. That was plenty of time to read and think of choices.

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He has stated he wants to return America to older traditions. This is just returning to that period prior to the Civil Service…

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