Discussion: Fed Lawsuit: Gov't Search Of Electronic Devices At US Border Unconstitutional

This is absolutely unconstitutional. It doesn’t matter what evidence is turned up - by its very nature an unconstitutional warrantless search turns up no admissible evidence. Or, it shouldn’t. But of course “everything changed” after 9/11. This will get to SCOTUS, and the Merrick Garland fiasco will pay dividends to the authoritarians.

If you travel abroad, be sure to disable the fingerprint (or, now, face) scanning unlock system, and revert to a good old-fashioned passcode. A long one, not the little 4-digit one. If you carry a laptop, look into whole-drive encryption and of course also don’t use the fingerprint scanner if the laptop has it. If you travel with a digital camera, keep the memory card either empty (upload photos to your encrypted laptop) or at least separate from the camera while traveling. If they just yank the camera from your bag, they’ll have nothing. Make sure you have the make, model, and serial number of your electronic devices written down somewhere safe (not in your phone!).

I doubt that will stop much. They usually check carry on and leave checked alone. I travel out of the US often. I take about 7 cameras when I do. That’s usually enough to balk them. If I’ve taken Images I don’t want seen I upload them.
The Constitution doesn’t mean much anymore.