Discussion: FCC Won't Fine Colbert Over Trump-Putin Joke

Well, the CBS execs must be big GOP contributors. Still.
But, maybe this was our best chance not to see a 4 to 1 ratio of bag-of-wind GOP senators to Democrats on Face the Nation.
This is great news for John McCain.


Good. The dangerous repubs want to destroy all talk they don’t like. This is very dangerous for our country.


Why is it great news for McCain?

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Nice. The twits that organized the ‘outrage’ to the FCC should have just stuck with the tried-and-true boycott threat of the show (although they all profess to not watch it) and their outcries would have been duly noted and we would have moved on. NOW they ‘lost’ which probably just fueled their perceived rage against the ‘culture’.


McCain seems to be booked more than any GOPer on the Sunday shows. It 's somewhat of a running joke here. Also when McCain ran for president, whatshisname Halperin was constantly saying that this or that occurrence was “great news for John McCain” regardless of whether said occurrence was a boon or disaster. Also a running joke, although a very old one.
Like me.


the FCC won’t fine him because they have a sense of humor and think it’s funny too…

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The person who wrote that terrible joke deserves some sort of fine.

Not for indecency; just for writing a terrible joke.

I still use it all the time. Irritates the hell out of my wife… :grin:


Well, it’s an ill wind…

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Maybe Donnie being recently treated for a Russian strain of a certain venereal disease helped Colberts’ case?

If they’re going after obscenity, they’d have to fine the news shows something fierce for all the members of this administration they feature.

The agency found that the joke, which involved Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin and a crude word for penis, did not warrant punishment.

Like most of us, they laughed when they heard it. And they recognized the truth in it.


Too bad the President’s budget has already been released, otherwise he might try and add another bomber to the DOD by eliminating the ‘sad’ FCC that doesn’t serve a purpose anymore.

I watched that show, and the networked bleeped it. Or at least they did on the West Coast playing… the FCC wouldn’t have grounds to fine him…

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“Joke”? I thought Colbert was reporting the news there.


I watched it from the West Coast. I saw a grey blob circle over his mouth and the words were bleeped out. So the FCC in this instance was acting as the personal servant of the orange thing.

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If we can’t say something that irritates our wives why get out of bed.

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If the FCC lets pussy grabbing discussions slide, they could hardly attack Colbert for his penis joke.


I love Colbert, but this investigation shouldn’t piss anybody off. The FCC was doing its job. And honestly, I think a (small) fine would have been appropriate. It wasn’t just crass, it crossed the line toward homophobia that is not helpful. I don’t think Stephen would have made too big of a stink about paying it either. People make mistakes.

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