Discussion: FBI: 'Too Early To Tell' If Gunman Targeted GOP Lawmakers

Trump: Jealous liberals are coming after TrumpCare with guns.

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Let’s hope all the victims have health insurance. I mean we know those in Congress do, THEY’RE ALL SET OF COURSE, but…

“Can you say yes, whether you think there is a political motivation in the shooting?” a reporter asked.
“No. Not aware of that. At all,” Slater replied.
“Are you saying that this could have been random?” another reporter pressed.
“Don’t know,” Slater said. “It’s really early in the investigation.”

Suddenly, sanity!

Probably, the most under-used and under-rated phrase in the English language. I. Dont. Know.


Thank the gods more were not hurt. God, I hate guns. Will this mean guards all over Congress? It was announced no more interviewing our civic “representatives” in the hallways.

Yeah but this is the FBI we’re talking about. The whole country has lost confidence in it since the whole fake news Russia story. We need a more independent investigative body. Is Jared Kushner available?


TMZ, a surprisingly reliable source, is reporting that the shooter is a staunch anti-Trump, anti-Clinton, far left Bernie Bro. If true, this may be as much about Periello’s defeat.


I am sure Donald will set him straight at the presser in 20 minutes…

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Does it really matter? Does anyone think the republicans and Fox news won’t be screeching and blaming the “violent left-wing extremist”?

Of course not. Facts don’t matter at all.

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Any day now they will be passing a bill allowing silencers, at least the people getting shot at won’t have their ears hurt.


He’s apparently from Belleville IL. Near St. Louis.

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Perhaps true, but context sensitive. While “I don’t know” is the proper response in the first few hours of a criminal investigation, it is hardly appropriate for “where are your trousers?” or “what’s your favorite color?”

Asked whether he thought America’s greatest problem was ignorance or apathy, Ryan immediately replied, “I don’t know and I don’t care.”

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Well, now the GOP congress critters know what the 2nd amendment solutions that they have been advocating since 2008 look like.


Yes and all the Trumpskis and the Tea Partiers who think that only the ratwing has guns maybe found out that that isn’t the case.


This is a false flag operation by the NRA. Gun sales have slumped since Obama left office, they needed something to restart sales. If Trump says something remotely resembling “gun control”, their prayers will have been answered and gun shops will need extra clerks to handle the crowds.

Of course. D’accord.

Maybe sanity but clueless as well. The shooter made 7 tweets in his life. One was a screed against the Congressman shot in the hip. I’m comfortable saying he was targeting him.

To think, we pay these guys out of OUR pockets.