Discussion for article #244949
kept a child porn site live after taking control of it in order to catch users,
I guess there wern’t any dufuses to lend money too, buy terrorist stuff for, and then arrest with great fanfare this week.
there were 215,000 registered users and links to more than 23,000 sexually explicit images and videos on the site.
While we may have largely eliminated lead from its ubiquitous presence and harm to our children, each one of the kids victimized by these monsters now has a hole blown in their psyche that will be with them the rest of their lives. I hope they find the strength and resilience to have loving productive relationships and not suffer by passing their abuse on to another generation.
Good on the FBI.
WWJD-What would Jared do?
FBI: kiddie porn and terrorist provocateurs. Keeps the FBI employed, and poor gullible schmucks in prison.
May as well commit murder for hire, in order to catch those who would hire murderers.
The Justice Department had previously avoided such tactics to combat child pornography, arguing that a child is harmed each time the images are viewed.
I’d argue that the societal benefit of capturing the downloaders and, presumably, following leads therefrom to the actual creators of CP outweighs the harm done by downloads. The lion’s share of harm was done when the pictures and videos were taken.
No issues with this tactic, though it would be nice if the FBI could up its technical game somewhat so that what is actually downloaded is a “broken” version of the image/video. Broken such that the end-user pedo is a) still traceable, with admissable evidence still on his hard drive and b) none the wiser, thinking only that Playpen has a technical glitch worthy perhaps of an e-mail to “support (at) sicktwistednutjobs.com” (more evidence at prosecution). So pictures that look like they have a jpeg encoding error, or videos with static or which unexpectedly stop after 4 seconds. I see that stuff all the time downloading legal pornnature documentaries; I’m sure the FBI could manage it.
…or JoshDuggar.
I would say that the story is misleading.
The FBI shut down one of the major child porn sites, but delayed the shut down a short period of time to arrest more pedophiles.
I would love hard drive searches to be done on pols/entertainers who support candidates just to be sure they 're not a public safety hazard.
I don’t see why they left it up. If they took it over, then they should have all the logs and records of the 200,000 users. Do they really need to sit there in real time and watch something download to make a case?
Umm, the FBI is not taking the photos. They have taken over the sites that have them and are busting people who view and download them. GOOD!!!
If there was a website where people solicit others to kill people for them, I would have no problem with the FBI nabbing people interested in killing others for money. And that is a proper analogy.
I have a huge problem with entrapment of drug users. Not with the methodology, but with the fact that no one is being harmed. And I am not seeing the FBI doing that.
Guess we can thank the GWOT for that, resources and all.
It’s kind of refreshing to find about about something the FBI did that I have no problem with.
Umm, the FBI is not taking the photos.
Ummm, distributing the photos , even if you didn’t take them, is a felony crime in itself.
They are not distributing them, They took over a site that has them and monitored it. The article does not say they posted new photos, the photos were already there. Plus if a cop is chasing someone going 100 mph and drunk, the cop is allowed to speed to get him.
And yes, distribution is a crime. So if some asshole downloads them and sends to his friends, he’s now busted. Good.
I know several FBI guys, and most of what they do is quite good. One of their favorite things to do is bust child predators, especially the agents I know who have kids. Oh, there are some bad eggs, but that’s in every profession. I see a lot of stories about teachers having sex with students. Lots of media stories. But the reality is that it rarely happens when taken in context, and the overwhelming majority of teachers are great people.
The child pornography law (obviously) does not forbid only the taking of photos, but also the possession, sale and transmission, which is exactly what the FBI did. If the FBI sells drugs, and then arrests the buyer for possession, is that right and fair and just? So here, if the FBI possesses, advertises, and sells pictures of naked models, is it only the buyer at fault?
Sorry. Not shedding a single tear, or worrying a single worrying thought about my precious liberties because the FBI kept this site open to try to catch a single one of the 215,000 diseased shitstains who were registered with it. Nope, not a single one. Nor does it bother me that it means additional diseased shitstains had time so sign up. Nope.
Steve, if you were a little girl who was mortified at being photographed like this, how would you feel about your government advertising those photos for sale?