Discussion: FBI Investigating Kansas Triple Shooting As Hate Crime

“FBI Investigating Kansas Triple Shooting As Hate Crime.” Ya think?

OH no not another Radical Christian terrorist…Right in our midst. HOW DID THIS TERRORIST GET INTO THE COUNTRY? To bad his mother didn’t abort this “Lone Wolf”

When will The Creature make a statement/tweet about this radical Christian Terrorist?

The Trump Effect™

We have to get that murderer enabler out of our White House.

His skin care routine didn’t incorporate a good sunscreen,clearly, but I suspect it has more to do with his longstanding NMA diet. Nicotine, Methamphetamine and Alcohol.

This tragedy makes me weep for Mr. Kuchibhotla’s family. I wish I felt it was a horrible aberration and would not happen again. I do not…and it will.

How much of a question is there when the man was screaming Get out of my country! And then went and expected the guy in the other place to hide him for being a patriot for killing Middle Easterners.

This is about as res ipsa loquitur as it get, DOJ.


I’m not sure if you meant to do so, but i take offense at that suggestion. Sure, we have nuts in our population, just like you do, but i don’t label entire populations as perpetrators of hate crimes based on the actions of a few. You sound like T rump blaming Islam for the crimes of ISIS. Yes, i said that. You’re welcome.

You know what? I just read something that I found delightful that touches on your point about populations and also backs up my insistence that half the country isn’t crazy - it’s quite a bit fewer people than half our population.

I read at Rawstory that Bannon planned that shock and awe travel ban to come out on a Friday so that the maximum number of left wing protesters would show up and we did. But what Bannon expected was that we’d be met by hordes of Trump Hitler Youth and it would turn into a riot and Bannon could use that.

Funny thing - the only people who showed up were us. No Trump Nazis.


I know this was posted upthread but it bears repeating:

"When asked on Tuesday about the recent wave of anti-Semitic threats and property destruction, President Donald Trump allegedly said that “sometimes it’s the reverse.”

Just to be clear what he meant:

It’s the fault of those damn Jews.

Let that sink in, Mr. Adelson.

Trump: This is a Fake shooting and it was done to make me look bad.
Alex Jones: We kicked Indians out of KS in 1700s. There are no Indians in Kansas so how could one die in that white state? FAKE.