Discussion: FBI Arrests Ohio Man For Plotting ISIS-Style Attack On US Capitol

oh, i don’t know… perhaps they could start by ending the exploitation of easily manipulated men into plotting attacks – unless there’s another motive. like juicing that fear…

Let me try this a different way. What would you do if you a record of such a thing came into your possession?

Good thing the FBI picked up on this. If he had been a K Street lobbyist, there would have been no problem with him getting in with as many guns and kickback checks as he could carry.

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Don’t the yahoos on Red State like to post with Mooslem names for shits and grins? That’s probably where the FBI caught up with this guy and his dreams of glory.

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Things have sure gone downhill for Chris Cornell since Soundgarden days.


Yes, the FBI checks out all those sites, Muslim, Gun Nut, Militia clowns, etc. And that’s a damn good thing indeed.

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You do realize that ALL terrorists are easily manipulated people, yes? Bin Laden was not a “terrorist”, he was a chicken hawk who recruited easily manipulated people to be terrorists. He had no desire to die for a cause, he was an ego maniac who used people that were easily manipulated.

Here is what this a-hole wrote:
“I believe that we should just wage jihad under our own orders and plan attacks and everything,” Cornell allegedly wrote in an online message to the informant in August, according to the FBI. “I believe we should meet up and make our own group in alliance with the Islamic State here and plan operations ourselves.”

In the message, Cornell said that such attacks “already got a thumbs up” from radical cleric Anwar Awlaki “before his martyrdom.”

Cornell and the informant met in Cincinnati over two days in October, and then another two days in November. During the last meeting, Cornell told an FBI informant that members of Congress were enemies and that he wanted to launch an attack on the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., according to charging documents.

Cornell then allegedly saved money to finance the attack and researched how to build bombs, the FBI said.

Earlier today, while also taking “final steps” to travel to Washington for the attack, Cornell allegedly bought two semi-automatic rifles and 600 rounds of ammunition from a store in Ohio, authorities said.

I’m all for nailing this a-hole. That’s not Free Speech, that’s a dangerous a-hole threatening. We have already seen lone wolf clowns like him do damage.


The kid bought a semi automatic and 600 rounds for it. That he is in custody where he belongs makes everyone safer.

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Yes. Let’s have ISIS exploit them instead.

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He doesn’t have the brown skin which FOX ‘News’ spoke of, so this will all boils down to him being mentally unstable.

Makes one think.

I would have the FBI follow the law and not create the crime and plant the individual in the middle. I understand that these cases are not technically entrapment but they come RIGHT up to that line. This guy may not even have been a credible threat without FBI help. They have yet to foil an actual plot with these tactics.

If someone is a threat the need to monitor and surveil that individual until they do something illegal on their own, and then arrest them and charge them only with the crimes they’ve committed, not that the FBI can trump up.

More importantly, they expose that the only terror plots we can prosecute are those that we create.