Discussion: Family Separation Policy Starts To Splinter Republican Party

As well it should. It is jaw dropping how some Republicans will be in favor of this crime against humanity and common decency.

The campaign ads need to amplify their support for kidnapping.

As for Collins –she expressed “concern?” Not outright condemnation of this practice? Greg Abbott is cool with this. Ted Cruz hems and haws with word noises when confronted with this issue.

Moreover –campaign ads need to reflect the names of all Republicans who think this picture, like the policies it encapsulates, is acceptable.


Wow: ‘tent cities’, ‘camps’, sending children ‘to the showers’. The Trump Administration is living up to all its promises.


Could TPM please clarify this Collins press release that was issued under the name of the AP?

She recently wrote a letter to a constituent defending the policy of kiddie concentration camps.

Clearly she’s getting on the Sunday talk shows to cover her ass, but this letter exposes her for the phony she is.



Shine the bright light on these cockroaches.

Every Democratic candidate should have at least one campaign commercial with these images and ask the viewer, is this their America?

It’s possible the camel’s back is just a little more broken with this.

ETA: And every reporter speaking to a Republican this week should ask the following question:

How do you justify the unjustifiable on the issue of family separation at the border?

Guarantee, not one will answer. Not one. But put that bright spotlight on them. Let them squirm. Let them show us who they really are.



“Nobody likes” breaking up families and “seeing babies ripped from their mothers’ arms,”

But it sure keeps the base happy.


“Trump plans to meet with House Republicans on Tuesday to discuss pending immigration legislation amid an election-season debate over one of his favorite issues.”

Wait. I thought it was a horrible Democrat law that was forcing the Border Patrol to separate the kids from their parents. If that’s true, why wouldn’t Trump want to meet with Democrats as well to find a resolution to this? Could it be … no. It’s too horrible to contemplate. But yet, it seems the only conclusion to this conundrum is that Trump is a fat, orange, lying sack of shit.



Nice to see Democrats Merkley, Hollen and Jackson out there in the TX heat on Father’s Day.


Release the innocent children back to their parents immediately, and have the master “Art of the Deal” negotiator get Mexico to pay for the wall, just as he assured us all he would.
Problem solved.


This is one of those moments to really push back by calling your Congressman.


And, where is the plan for the March for the Children???


Transl: “Covert Nazis realize that overt genocidal torture maybe doesn’t provide the right optics.”


Everybody who wasn’t Trump’s base (and now apparently some who were) saw right through the “It’s the Democrats’ fault!” lie, so the next instinct is to find a scapegoat and throw them under the bus to save his own skin. And House Republicans are the loyal idiot stooges who can take his fall for him that Trump always wanted.


Splinter? Hardly, there is no love lost between the Bush’s (and establishment Republicans) and Trump. They hate what he doing to their party, but are powerless Ito do anything about it. But make no mistake about it, they want their party back.

So they bide their time, lurk in the shadows, snipe and knife when it is safe. Trump is so doomed.


They’re not powerless at all. They could do something if they wanted, but the issue is 1) they don’t want to take a hit to their power, even if it’s temporary to regain it later. They typify the modern CEO approach of maximizing gains this quarter and to hell with the long term health of the organization as a whole, and 2) actually they agree with most of what Trump says and wants most of what he does, just wishes he dogwhistled it instead of saying it openly.


2018 campaign slogan … “Republicans - the Party of Child Abuse.”

I think it’ll work just fine.


Splinter the party? Words, as theorists of language use have noted, are cheap. I’ll buy it the day a Republican actually does something.


“GOP Sen. Susan Collins expressed concern about it…”

Wow. To Collins, being “concerned” (yet taking no action) is akin to a four-alarm fire!


There remain any decent human beings in that party? Call me skeptical.


For some reason my congress critter, Duffy’s phone is busy this am. He’s an upstanding pro choice catholic. I’m sure he will relate to my views on kidnapping children and putting them into concentration camps. i’ve got a good 2 hours, just have to keep dialing…