Discussion: Family Of Beheaded Journalist: Obama Admin Could Have Done More

I feel for the families of the journalists’ right now, because they are adrift and need someone to hold responsible. However, there is only so much responsibility an Administration can take. It appears that the President and his administration did what they could to get both men out of ISIS’ clutches, unfortunately it wasn’t successful. Sometimes this is the end result, and its not reasonable to pretend that someone did nothing to help you because you didn’t get the outcome you wanted.


I have to say that the idea of making a plea to the leader of ISIL is not in the best interest of any captive. So far, the best outcomes have chosen not to make these incidents into media circuses.

Obama sent a rescue operation. What else did they expect, a nuclear attack? I feel deeply for the family, but when a journalist enters a war zone populated by insane terrorists, the journalist knows the hazards he or she may have to face, and if they don’t know, then they shouldn’t be there. I am not saying that a journalist in a war zone deserves to be killed, I am saying that a journalist cannot expect any more consideration than is given a U.S. soldier, and you do not see a Special Forces operation being deployed for every soldier captured or killed in the Middle East. And being a spokesman for the New America Foundation doesn’t make you unbiased concerning this situation.
I can just imagine how Dick Cheney would have handled this, probably telling the media that the journalist shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

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You are so right. The administration has so many things on its plate and so many people demanding attention and demanding to be at the front of the line.

ISIS is reality and not part of some TV show where the government/military goes in a rescue the journalists.

I feel it for the families but if the report of the strained relationship is true, they are directing their pain and frustration at the wrong people.

Like I said, in situations like this one the family will always seek someone to blame and in this case it’s the Obama administration.

I’m surprised people are not yet saying it’s because he’s a Jew why Pres. Obama didn’t save him.

I suspect any administration would get a “lot of heat” with something as horrendous as this, however what can they really do? Send a telegram to the terrorists and ask nicely? There was a rescue attempt, the hostages couldn’t be found.

If they had 2 FBI agents the entire special services team that went into Syria how many more people would have made it better? 1, 2, 50, 10,000?

I am not sure anyone gains from this story other than the reporter and his employer. Certainly the “other side” can use this as another Benghazi, and a propaganda point against a President that they don’t think should be in office. Is that going to make the family feel better? Probably not, it just adds one more pressure and load to their shoulders, that of victims.

I would say shame on the reporter.

You just got played, my friend… ;p

That’s gratitude for you! The journalist(s), of their own accord, chose to enter the danger zone. The President put at risk the lives our most well trained and dedicated military personnel to rescue them from a peril of their own making. And you complain that he didn’t do enough?

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shades of UFG!!

nice disguise beej!!!2Wq!QQ1!!!


Grieving, stage 2.

You and 12stressed nailed it: Our govn’t spent millions to drop special forces in to rescue these two. We may never know if any of our commandos died in these attempts.
Yes, and the family is venting their understandable frustration on the Obama administration, much to the delight of the president’s enemies. These operations are so risky it’s a wonder they are ever successful. One need not be a militarist or war monger to appreciate the men who do these things.

My heart goes out to these families, but their sons took grave risks and our govnt’ did more than most would do for them.