Oh for Christ’s sake…who ARE these people??? The ones that dream UP this crap and those that believe it? WHY would you believe it?
So where is the conspiracy theories on the left that result in the shooting up of a DC pizza shop and threatening the lives of its workers? Where is the left wing talk that results in radio listeners beating up american muslims? Where is the left graffiti and arson?
Totally false equivalence? Both sides do have passionate folks, but violence and hate against fellow americans seems to run strong on the right. There are no left wing militias. There are protest sure, and sure there are some that use inflammatory language, but that happens right or left as I can remember quite clearly in 2010 with the tea party. It is time for all americans but especially those on the left to call this crap out. There does not appear to be actors on the left who act as violently or as hatefully as those on the right.
I always suspect folks that obsess on something like this are guilty of it themselves, like Pat Robertson.
Why can’t this Pizzaria owner not sue someone for slander or defamation or something ?
Freedom of Speech doesn’t mean you can’t be be sued for libel…
Because he’s hosting a child sex ring run by Podesta and Hillary, that’s why.
In the same way the long simmering crazy in the anti-abortion movement started yielding assassins and terrorists who truly believed that killing medical personnel was doing God’s work, we are going to start seeing the soldiers of Infowars and Brietbart tracking down the “real” enemies of America and taking “justice” into their own hands. And the people supplying the gasoline, rags and bottles to these unhinged idiots in the form of fake news will not be held accountable. Welcome to the new reality. Wonder what we will be commenting on a year from now? Wonder what the gutless wonders in DC will do to stop this?
I am old and I have never felt so insecure about our country’s ability to survive. Please let me be wrong.
You’re right.
So he walks into the pizza place to save imaginary kids in the basement and starts by shooting his gun into the floor. The NRA talks about bad guys with guns and good guys with guns. I think they’re forgetting the idiots with guns.