Discussion: Fake News Conspiracy Theory Leads to DC Shooting

It’s clear that Trumpers not only don’t live on the same planet as the rest of us but they inhabit an entirely different parallel reality. That will continue to cause increased friction and will lead (or already has led) to what in marital relationships is referred to as “irreconcilable differences”.

The crazy Trumpers won’t go away quietly, and the GOP does not want to realize that getting all of the power with a minority of votes is a highly unstable situation. So what’s going to happen long term? Break-up of the US? Civil war? Or “only” several years of insanity followed by a Democratic administration trying to prevent the economy from imploding, and then getting blamed for all the problems? Interesting times indeed.


I applaud the man for the effort. Next time less gun, more thinking, please…

Well, at least there aren’t many unhinged people like this around who actually believe some of the stuff on Brietbart, Alex Jones, FOX, or that the President-elect says. That could be a real problem.

Yes sir, Ireland is looking better and better all the time…

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Good pizza. No child sex. Or perhaps I didn’t have the secret code to get into the nonexistent basement where the children are allegedly kept.

““I hope that those involved in fanning these flames will take a moment to contemplate what happened here today, and stop promoting these falsehoods right away,” Alefantis said in the statement.”

Why would they? They just won the presidency with these falsehoods.


It’s not a very huge step from equating doctors who perform abortions with murderers and the enactors of the Holocaust, to just making up shit about your enemies.


This is a creepy story, but I feel that calling these things out as “fake news” muddies the waters a bit as to what the real problem is and moves the “fake news” narrative into truly fringe territory. The real problem is within outlets that wrap the crazy up in just enough accurate information to seem plausible.

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“People who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities.”


“Self-investigation” indeed.


We have been in a cold Civil War for quite a while, maybe since the late 90s, maybe back to Reagan. This country has not been in a similar situation — parallel and mutually incompatible realities — since the 1850s (although the labor struggles and isolationist times of the 30s came close). We know how that worked out.

Is there a North-east secessionist movement anywhere? I want to join.


One of the more intellectual Trump voters, I assume.

This fake news story is still being promoted by Michael Flynn’s son and chief of staff (see Josh’s blog piece on this). This changes it from a nutter story to a bone chilling story of beliefs of very powerful people that Trump is selecting for government. We have to remember Trump goes to the fake news sites on a regular basis and apparently believes a lot of this crap - and promotes it. Everyone with half a brain in Washington DC should be on red alert right now - this is not remotely funny yet I keep hearing pundits say that Trump is picking a standard Republican cabinet.

Officially entering the twilight zone…

This Is Not Normal


So, an attack by a lone-wolf self-radicalized by extremist content on the Internet? Huh. What’s the word we use for that, again? Oh, never mind. White Christian. So just another poor mentally disturbed person who is disturbed, not a terrorist. Because reasons.

Well, nonetheless, good thing there’s no connection between the incoming regime and the extremist content that radicalized this poor disturbed person . . . Oh, wait, propagated and popularized by the son and business partner of our incoming National Security Adviser? Oh well, I’m sure it won’t come up at the confirmation hearings. Because white and Christian.


The owner of this pizza place should enlist the help of attorneys, hopefully free ones, who will sue the purveyors of this particular fake news item. Accusing someone of a criminal action is per se libelous, meaning that if it is false you don’t have to prove that it was damaging. And they are not a public figure so Sullivan rules don’t apply. And this guy should definitely spend at least a few years in prison along with the rest of the D.C. prison population, usually somewhere in West Virginia.


Then Michael Flynn’s son should become the first defendant in the legal action. Seriously, there is nothing to stop this unless the people who are being harmed fight back. I understand why a pizza restaurant is not keen to undertake the battle, but it won’t go away ever unless people face consequences.


Meanwhile Ryan, Pence and Preibus all double down on the lying by defending Predator-Elect’s assertion that “millions” of illegal votes were cast.

It’s like they don’t care if people die as long as they have political power. Who’d a thunk it?

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Steve, I believe Flynn’s position does not have to be confirmed. Easy entry for nut cases.

From the Guardian. Bannon/Breitbart is heavily involved with Cambridge Analytica:
And the constellation of websites that Albright found – a sort of shadow internet – has another function. More than just spreading rightwing ideology, they are being used to track and monitor and influence anyone who comes across their content. “I scraped the trackers on these sites and I was absolutely dumbfounded. Every time someone likes one of these posts on Facebook or visits one of these websites, the scripts are then following you around the web. And this enables data-mining and influencing companies like Cambridge Analytica to precisely target individuals, to follow them around the web, and to send them highly personalised political messages. This is a propaganda machine. It’s targeting people individually to recruit them to an idea. It’s a level of social engineering that I’ve never seen before. They’re capturing people and then keeping them on an emotional leash and never letting them go.”