Can I get a whomp?
Can we put Facebook in a malfunctioning, self-driving* Uber?
And maybe have it crash into the smoldering remains of Theranos.
I thought I had some sympathy for billionaires in my junk drawer among the dead batteries, empty pens, bits of string, and Super Glue but I can’t seem to find it.
You know MacGyver could have built a functional remote-detonated pinecone bomb out of that.
chump-change —
Facebook is rapidly becoming the Internet Explorer of Social Media. And they’ve earned it. For years it has been extremely difficult for outside researchers to pierce the siloing mechanism used to divide (slice & dice, really) our society and the communities within it.
I hope all those Facebook members who enabled him, who let him steal their and their friends information feel really stupid and used. I always knew you were.
These cataclysmic headlines are ridiculous, and due to short-term investor greed followed by fear. FB stock was artificially high, and current price is only 10% less than a month ago. FB price is now the same as it was in May.
Could not happen to a nice company…
Let me add, I wonder just how many of the billions of users are actually “active users”. Over 10 years ago I tried FB, as many did, then requested my account be deleted within 24 hours as I saw the uselessness of the product. To this day I still get emails from FB telling me that my account has not seen any activity “for awhile”. I activated the account for about a month after HuffPost required all users to have a FB account. Once again I asked the account be deleted and since have refused to have anything to do with websites that require I use FB for communication of any kind. BUT AS I SAID, Facebook STILL has my account as a user of the product, FUCK my asking the account to be deleted, they ignore all requests to do so.
funny —