Discussion: Facebook Changes Course, Now Plans To Turn Over Russian Ads To Congress

And non politician, and some one who never ever did anything for the public good.


O yeah - we donā€™t want to put politicians into political office - who wants people who know what theyā€™re doing?


You what else Iā€™m sure Trump is guilty ofā€¦he doesnā€™t read the instruction manual.

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Thatā€™s what the hired help is for.

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Younger people tend to view Facebook as a sort of general LinkedIn ā€“ you use it to build your brand for work and socializing. You speak your mind on other platforms where gramps and nana donā€™t have accounts.


ā€œI donā€™t want anyone to use our tools to undermine democracy,ā€ Zuckerberg said.

I have never believed that Zuckerberg had any understanding or concern for our democracy. Facebookā€™s business model trades on the compromise and commoditisation of user data and personal information. It took a foreign attack using Zuckerbergā€™s product to demonstrate what Facebook is capable of doing to our democracy. Recently I posted stories about the situation on my facebook page letting people know I was abandoning facebookā€¦ and have been receiving frequent foreign troll scam bait ever since. Donā€™t delete facebook, expose it.



Letā€™s buy some ads and target some Facebook users with messages about the dangerous malware Facebook is said to be spreading, the illegal activity Zuckerberg is involved in (we just donā€™t know because we have questions) and maybe toss in a few overheard rumors about the sexual peccadilloes of Zuckerberg ā€” I donā€™t want to say, I mean, these are NSFW rumors ā€” and letā€™s see just how diligently the old Markster defends the right of malicious, anti-Christian lawbreakers to tear down his empire.

By the way, I consider myself a moral person, which is why I canā€™t repeat the rumors Iā€™ve heard about his sex life, if you call that ā€œhaving sexā€.

I wonder if China has any loose change around to fund Facebookā€™s humiliating demise. Win, win. China swipes away a growing political menace, and I make a few tens of millions of good ole American green backs. I could run for office, claiming my wealth proves my ability ā€¦ hehehe, my ability to organize crime.

Hey! Iā€™m starting to like this new Trump era. Discard Western law and order, and do whatever the hell gets you rich. Itā€™s an advantage to use the illegal routes, by the way. Just hire good lawyers and use the process to slow down the process. (Paid by the people youā€™re cheating, that is. Good business practice.) Thatā€™s the game!

Great, great fun. Letā€™s see. I wonder if I can get some free airtime if I slander a churchā€¦


So every 4 years Zuckerfish collects ā€œtens of millionsā€ just on election ads.

I am not a First Amendment expert, but I do understand the limitations of the ā€˜defenseā€™ of claiming First Amendment rights.

The clearest understanding is two fold. Your rights end at the tip of my nose, and you cannot shout FIRE in a theater. That means, you can claim your rights until you put otherā€™s rights at risk. It is clear in law and in our social compact.

Zuckerberg is complicent and guilty in violating Federal law. He has taken money from those who oppose our government. He knew this from the beginning and ignored the consequences. He is at legal risk. Personally.

First, he needs to admit his crime. Second, he needs to disgorge his illegal funds to the government. Third, he needs to expose all to the Justice Department. Fourth, he needs to show how Facebook was corrupted. Fifth, he needs to fix the problem.

Until he does this, true and honest Americans need to boycott Facebook. And, all Facebook advertisers need to walk away.

Facebook is complicent in corrupting our elections, our government, and our future.

Congress should now regulate Facebook and similar systems as they do broadcast networks.

Anything less leaves our future to those inside and outside of our realm the ability to control our elections.

And, so it goes . .


Thereā€™s never been any doubt that Zuck loves money and capitalism. But this time that money will be investigated. It left an interesting, rather greed flavored trail. As I recall FB has also been the communication tool of choice for terrorists.

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Makes the average person wonder what percentage of FB is used for international criminal enterprise.

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Now Plans To Turn Over Russian Ads To Congress. While searching for his golden parachute how to kit.

Itā€™s about time.

Except you donā€™t, so you wonā€™t.

Well said.

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Zuckerberg really is the dickiest of dickheads. At least thatā€™s one thing Larry Summers was right about.

I wonder if Zuckerberg has realized yet that his presidential aspirations have flown out the window.

Itā€™s not on the horizon as long as the Rs control Congress. I think Zuckerberg is banking on that, and bankrolling Rs keeping that in mind.

Facebook withholding information, now ainā€™t that some shit? Itā€™s only everyone elseā€™s information that heā€™s more than happy to sell.

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Kinda like us going to TPM and posting where the kids canā€™t see it.

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