Not sure if this info might be helpful to many people, but in California COSTCO sells insurance plans which a small business man we have worked with told us last week that the premiums were lower than on the exchange. If this info helps anyone, I will be very happy.
Well, in an ideal world, I would like to see a public option and not have to deal with insurance companies at all. That being said, real competition in my market would be a start. And all of the Silver Plans might have the same coverage but they have very different premiums/deductibles, so they are not really equivalent. And, do you work in the business?
Hey Trump? Thanks, asshole!
Because he wants the ACA and every thing else accomplished by Obama dead, dead, dead. If Obama did it, Trump hates it, no matter what it is. That’s what foreign leaders took away from their meetings with Trump. He’s obsessed with destroying everything positive that was done in the Obama administration.
Great work, Alice. Before you complete your investigation, you may want to check if Tom Price may have recently invested in any media groups that might be poised to take the funding from these various organizations and promote the ACA in their own way. With Price, it’s always a good idea to follow the money–all the way back to his own pockets.
Hmmmm. Read pretty much this same story over at HuffPo early last week IIRC. So not sure how “exclusive” it is. But it is an important topic to get out, so not complaining about the article itself.
Not surprising; their agenda is collapsing so they need to make the ACA seem faulty in order to get a win.
You ever noticed that he’s never had to answer for his broken promises?
I had the same thought as you. And, yes, Gates and Buffet already do so much. But, a consortium of wealthy people could fund this network.
Absolutely. We can’t afford to let this jerkoff and his bad of merry saboteurs get away with this shit. There’s too much at stake.
Maybe we need to figure how to crowdfund some of those who got cut off…
More proof: There is a word for everything.