Discussion: EXCLUSIVE: Ad Campaign Slams Heller For Backing New Obamacare Repeal Bill

As Heller has pretty much given up, this seems like it will have less impact with him than Wynn/Adelson/the Kochs warning him he wonā€™t get a sinecure if he doesnā€™t behave.

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This is the kind of organizing we need if weā€™re going to save the ACA.

The opposition has certainly been organized in their attacks.


Sadly, I am afraid there is a lot of truth to what you sayā€¦

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Very powerful ad. The second set of ā€˜side effectsā€™ - cuts to the bone. Donā€™t know that it will effect Heller - but it will sharpen the attitude and valence of that attitude of many of his constituents.


Dean Heller is the scorpion riding on the back of the healthcare frogā€¦


Er, give 'em hell.

Hereā€™s an idea: Vote to repeal the ACA, lose your congressional healthcare in the bargain. Vote to rollback or reduce any part of Medicare or Medicaid, lose a like amount of coverage from your congressional health coverage. Repeal Obamacare without providing an immediately available replacement, Lose all of your congressional health coverage until a viable and competitive healthcare program is in place.

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This thread isnā€™t getting the volume of comments many posts do, but itā€™s a great opportunity to remind the public that they misunderstand the modern role of senators and reps at the national level. Do you really think they give a crap about their constituents? Whether they are lawyers by profession or not, once they are serious candidates they become the lawyers of the select group of people and organizations that support their election campaigns and have agendas where national issues are at stake. To the extent they ā€œserveā€ their constituents, itā€™s only to go through the motions and to pretend they share their concerns, like a college scholarship athlete taking classes when their grades are false and assured because they produce for the university. (That is, if they actually want to learn something or not, itā€™s secondary to their true purpose.)

Representing the interests of their friends and supports, whether they personally care or not, cannot be a consideration just like a lawyer has to represent their client whether they agree with their arguments or not. Otherwise, the party will toss them aside (because the parties are even more devoted to their supporters and benefactors) and they will find someone else who will myopically do their job.

So viewed from that perspective, Hellerā€™s earlier stance was a tactical effort to serve his real constituents by placating the voters he supposedly represents who could deny him the opportunity to serve his real clients. Once he and his political consultants calculates that heā€™s done all he can in that direction, heā€™ll resume his primary role. The Rs are far more dedicated to this process than the Ds, but the Ds are playing the same game, albeit with a different natural constituency.


Itā€™s hard to see Pumpkin Head Heller getting reelected. There isnā€™t a constituency he hasnā€™t pissed off.

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Heller is a complete liar. Promises we Nevadanā€™s on thing and then sits with Trump at lunch and letā€™s the Orange One humiliate him in front of cameraā€™s. Votes the way Lobbyists want him to do so he can get his big suitcase of $$$ from them. Fool of a Senator


Opposition? Iā€™ve not seen much in terms of an organized effort in support of these bills. Or am I missing something?

I was thinking of the seven years of opposition to the ACA that convinced a majority of the public that it sucked.

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