The first step in recovery. Admit you had a bigly problem…
I’m just happy to see some reporting on “former Trumpers,” since the popular narrative is that no one ever abandons their Donnie adoration.
“I’m not an idiot. … It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
Should have settled for “idiot.”
And he’s the best Caucasian busboy / landscaper / lettuce picker you ever met.
A shame he missed out on all those stellar career opportunities…
Many fine idiots on both sides.
“It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
Yes, millions of Americans are chomping at the bit to pick crops in the hot sun, clean hotel rooms, wash dishes, mow lawns, sit on a 125 degree roof in the middle of an August day and nail shingles, stand for 12 hours a day butchering hogs and slicing up the carcasses. All for minimal pay, no benefits, often unsafe working conditions, no vacation or leave.
It’s weird how few white guys I see standing outside of a Home Depot at 0645. Maybe you don’t get “economically anxious” until after you’ve had your morning latte.
“It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
My career goal was to clean toilets at the local Motel 6, but some damn illegal got the job instead!
“It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
Yeah, there are millions of Americans just lining up to pick those crops.
Incomes under 50K favored Clinton. Just saying, you non-idiot who made a wise decision.
It’s worth noting that if you’re sick and tired of “illegals” coming and taking your jobs, it means you want government regulations and protectionism to coddle you and insulate you from glorious unfettered free market capitalism.
Huh. Weird.
Not to mention the totally ridiculous and contrived #walkaway crap that Faux News is trying to push and popularize.
Also, yes, I’m going to post it again and again and again because it’s just so fucking applicable…
facts show illegals do NOT take jobs from people like him. People like him don’t want those jobs. so he is an idiot. because he knows this lol
I guess the next step is to have a "PP voters " channel. Every outlet doing single stories constantly doesn’t seem to fill the need.
My subtle comment here would be that nobody has ever counted up the number of Trump supporters who jumped ship. I expect it is small. A lot of evangelical fascists, who don’t like Trump’s personal life, have always held their noses. But he delivers the goods and they support him when it counts. (Most of the hard-core Hillary haters in Bernie’s support base didn’t vote, or voted for whackos like Jill Stein. There’s a population of never-Trumpers, but they came to this place long before Trump was elected.
Dear Trumpers,
Illegals aren’t coming in and taking your jobs.
The 1% Trump conned you into thinking you’d be allowed to join if you voted for him are sending your jobs overseas because Americans want to work for a living wage and the 1% want to double their already record profits.
Not Conned Americans
One side knows they were idiots, the other side is still too stupid to realize that. Talk about your “low IQ individuals.
We’ve in the stupid Watergate period of history, heading for a stupid Civil War within the Republican Party.
Next time ask them to name one or two jobs they’ve lost out on.
That comment was taken with “great offense” by a pro-Trumper: “I’m not an idiot,” Arthur Schaper said. “It was a wise decision … for working class Americans who are tired of their jobs being taken by illegals.”
MONACA, Pennsylvania (AP) — The United States is on pace to add about 2.6 million jobs this year under President Donald Trump’s watch. Yet the bulk of the hiring has occurred in bastions of Democratic voters rather than in the Republican counties that put Trump in the White House.
On average for the year-ended this May, 58.5 percent of the job gains were in counties that backed Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to an Associated Press analysis of monthly government jobs data by county.
Despite an otherwise robust national economy, the analysis shows that a striking number of Trump counties are losing jobs. The AP found that 35.4 percent of Trump counties have shed jobs in the past year, compared with just 19.2 percent of Clinton counties.
The jobs data shows an economy that is as fractured as the political landscape ahead of the 2018 midterm elections. As more money pools in such corporate hubs as Houston, San Francisco or Seattle, prosperity spills over less and less to smaller towns and cities in America’s interior. That would seem to undercut what Trump sees as a central accomplishment of his administration — job creation for middle class and blue-collar workers in towns far removed from bustling urban centers.
Job growth in Trump’s economy is still concentrated in the same general places as it was toward the end of Barack Obama’s presidency — when roughly 58.7 percent of the average annual job gains were in Democratic counties.