Discussion for article #234696
Fuck Jeb Bush.
Yeah, Jeb probably has Texas wrapped up. Cruz is going to play second fiddle or, more likely, tenth chair in the violin section.
What is the over/under on Cruz lasting longer than Bachmann did?
I think he’ll last longer, if only because he’s got some big bucks propping him up.
This is a non-news story.
Hutchinson is a very conservative woman, but she’s not totally bereft of intelligence.
fewer than 700,000 of texas’ 27+ million people voted for him. why does eveyone think that everyone from texas would support this clown?
Maybe a kazoo? It seems more appropriate for him.
Can it whine?
Clearly she has Texas style love for John Ellis. We on the Left Coast don’t feel that.
Interesting that she doesn’t mention her last Governor, Rick Perry. Talk about supporting the home team. To echo the comment above, she is a conservative but she is intelligent and reasoned. I haven’t always agreed with her but I respected her, and John McCain should forever rue the day he bypassed Kay for his VP running mate.
He’ll last a bit. At least as long as Santorum did last time. That’s the slot he’s filling. The “don’t need to think because God shows me cue cards” slot.
Yes, if there’s one thing America has learned, it’s to trust a Republican, especially one named “Bush”.
And I think you need someone that will bring people together, Democrats and Republicans.
Because to most Americans, nothing brings on the warm and fuzzies like our fond memories of Bush.
I wouldn’t trust him with a triangle.
When a contemporary thought-leader like Hutchinson endorses a candidate, it’s worth almost nothing.
Ill never forget her expression as she strained to compliment Palin after the announcement. Palin probably didn’t forget it either when she swooped down to Texas and endorsed Perry a year later
Another victim of the Great Purge of 2010
Perry allies, going full tea party, skewered Hutchison as a Republican in name only (RINO). “In my opinion, there’s no such thing as a RINO. Noting makes me madder than a Republican who makes fun of someone who’s not exactly the way they are. If someone’s a Republican, they should be welcome in the Republican Party.”
This is hardly surprising. I doubt that there is anyone in the Republican Party above the rank of city councilman that won’t find someone that they would prefer to support over Ted Cruz.
How about with a Sharron Angle?
Too obtuse?
What about Rick Perry? No love for the Longhorn State’s very own Governor SmartGlasses?