Discussion for article #226015
The GOTP voters’ verdict: “He wasn’t crazy enough!”
Bentivolio called it a dream come true (impeaching the President) in August?
Which August? This year’s August is only 5 days old.
Well, one of the highlighted articles is from 2013. That’s when this moron said it.
BAM. How ya like us know, you T-Billy punk?
Gov. Brownback blames Obama for people voting against incumbents. http://www.kshb.com/news/political/brownback-voters-so-mad-at-obama-they-want-somebody-to-throw-a-brick
Another teastool, dropped in the park, to turn to dust.
At least he has a fall back job.
Cleaning up his house shoveling reindeer poop instead of the crap he’s been spewing on everybody else…
Sure makes sense - that the bubble extends to Michigan…
Michigan’s always had a little bit of “teh crayzee.” Hopefully, after this November, there’ll be even less.
Another hate filled idiot Tbagger bites the dust…at least he wasted more of the GOP’s cash in the process.
Call this cretin the “Accidental Congressman.” He was a “some dude” candidate in a dark red district whose opponent imploded shortly before the primary. Now Rep. Goehmert has sole, undisputed claim to the Intellectual Lightweight title.
There goes Kerry the Red-Necked Reindeer.
Another TeaPotty Floater completed the final plunge.
Ass-wipes provided by NorthernTissue.
The GOTP voters’ verdict: “He wasn’t crazy enough!”
I so admire these philosophical types!
I merely dream about my hot GF, way too obvious and pedestrian!