Discussion: Ex-Marine's Suicide Ends PA Shooting Rampage, Manhunt

Discussion for article #231271

“She would tell anybody who would listen that he was going to kill her and that she was really afraid for her life,” said Evan Weron, a neighbor in Harleysville.

One of the best predictors of the dangerousness of an abuser is the opinion of the victim. Unfortunately, the opinion of the victim is often discounted because it is presumed that the victim is speaking our of anger or for revenge.

It is unfortunate that this man was not given an ankle bracelet which could have provided information about his movements so that people could be warned.


Here are the facts: More than half of the women killed with guns in the U.S. are murdered by their partners. Every month, 48 women are shot and killed in the U.S. by a current or former boyfriend or spouse. The presence of a gun makes it five times more likely that domestic violence will turn into murder. See Everytown.org.

Women in the United States bear the brunt of these alarming statistics. We need to close the loopholes in our gun safety laws so that domestic abusers and stalkers are prevented from acquiring a gun. It may not stop every tragedy, but it will reduce the number of American women that die from gun violence. Join MomsDemandAction.org and help us pass better laws.


I am wondering whether this guy obtained is gun legally. If not, I hope they trace the gun.

This is the first I have heard of veteran’s courts.

So this guy kills six people and we get to hear ‘It’s Obama’s fault VA blaaah’. Unarmed guy gets killed and we get to hear ‘Thug!’


God forbid it’s the guns that are responsible for any of this. He could have done the same carnage with an electric toothbrush!

“There’s no reason, no valid excuse, no justification for snuffing out these six innocent lives and injuring another child,”

That is a true statement, to be sure, but I find it interesting that 17 year (or younger) old black children are referred to as “male” while 17 year old whites are still “children”.