They don’t call it the “Fox” network for nothing. The “Sex Toy” network might have been a bit over the top, even for Ailes the Hutt
Until now, I had no idea this nasty hyper-partisan was off the network. And I still don’t care.
so you decided to wait until the cocktails ran out before you decided to take a principled stand?
and after someone else pioneered the way?
Play with fire and you get burnt.
It’s nice to see someone taking principled stand against sexual harassment. It’s also nice to see an unprincipled, self-interested hack sue the pants off FOX.
it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny
It took the loss of your paycheck before you noticed that?
Fuck you.
Bunny #4, says what???
OTOH, anything that keeps the new boss hunkered down in his bunker, fending off accusations and dodging subpoeneas, can’t be all bad
Whore Complains Pimp Beat Her Up
Spare me
You were perfectly happy to put up with it when spouting right wing insanity and being paid for it.
Day late and a dollar short my dear , we didn’t hear a peep during those days when the exposure and promotions kept coming
dammit, you stole my observation!
So even Andrea Tarantula is jumping on the bandwagon, eh?
Oh would I love to see FAUX collapse and be parted out by repeated lawsuits…
Marge: [while watching TV] You know, Fox turned into a hardcore sex channel so gradually, I didn’t even notice.
I see that you and your fellow “family values” hypocrites are out in force.
Go for the victim. You just ooze class don’t you?
Is that why she reported it three times?
Damn, I thought Fox News was like the Republican Party; one of morals and values. Sean Hannity and God. I thought it was the Democratic Party that had no morals or values and were perverted - tearing the fabric of American apart with their sexual misdeeds.
At least all of that’s what the Republicans told us.
Yeah, but I always thought FOX was an acronym for “Fucking Obnoxious Xenophobes”.
I think the sex-fueled activities at the Playboy mansion are all consensual.