He didn’t mind Fox when he was peddling WMD lies though did he. Fuck him and his new venture.
Liberals don’t need a Drudge report because we don’t need a gatekeeper for truth like they do for bullshit.
He didn’t mind Fox when he was peddling WMD lies though did he. Fuck him and his new venture.
Liberals don’t need a Drudge report because we don’t need a gatekeeper for truth like they do for bullshit.
Kepler wept.
A good place—if you like hyperventilating Bernie Bro Bullshit 24/7.
When things were going good for Cameron at fox those years and then he had and epithany,reminds me of one of Jimi Hendrix lyrics.
“You jump in front of my car when you,
you know all the time
Ninty miles an hour, , is the speed I drive
You tell me it’s alright, you don’t mind a little pain
You say you just want me to take you for a drive
You’re just like crosstown traffic
So hard to get through to you
Crosstown traffic
I don’t need to run over you
Crosstown traffic
All you do is slow me down
And I’m tryin’ to get on the other side of town
I’m not the only soul who’s accused of hit and run
Tire tracks all across your back
I can, I can see you had your fun
But, can’t you see my signals turn from green to red
And with you I can see a traffic jam straight up ahead”
Yeah. When I am fatigued, I often write totally made up shit about War Heroes being manicure obsessed Metrosexuals, and Chicken Hawk Draft Evaders being real genuine Cowboys after their Poppy moved to Texas one generation ago.
For the record, there already IS a liberal Drudge Report: Talking Points Memo.
I’ve seen people complain that some of the stories here are too tabloidy and focused on Republicans instead of liberal policies, but it’s really the other way around: TPM is a classy version of Drudge for people with a brain.
And unlike Matt Drudge, Josh doesn’t troll for rough trade at interstate rest stops.
We both see the problem. I don’t believe it’s a sustainable model.
Resist : - )
Build a bridge out of him.
OT: Hollywood stars are reading the Mueller Report on tv tonight at 9???
There was a book written some years ago (5, 6…maybe 7?) called Our Town.
The gist of the book was that one of the main assets in D.C., is NOT passing legislation. Because lobbyists make money lobbying to either get something passed…and if it did pass, they have to find a new gig. So its in everybody’s interest that is part of the economic system to actually NOT pass legislation.
An interesting note, however, was the number of ex Congress critters who fought like cats and dogs while in Congress, become best buddies once they both start working for the same lobbying firms.
That’s a big part of what is behind enterprises like this. The news isn’t really interested in presenting news anymore, as much as they are about serving up outrage to which ever side their audience is on. That’s why CNN has pretty much gone completely in with the “Crossfire” setup on so much of their shows. Its not about informing the public, its about selling outrage, and what does it better than having people yelling at each other?
So color me skeptical of any outfit that is trying to do a “representatives of both sides” model. Because they aren’t. What they are trying to do is setup a business model that sells outrage to both sides…an always bigger market than selling it to just one side.
You mean to tell me that guy isn’t dead yet? Such a pity.
Welp, there goes any chance of working for trump.
I guess Ol Bill never read Article 1 section 2 of the Constitution as it was originally written before the 14th amendment in which it says “Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other persons”.
Innit nice to be three fifths of a person or just excluded altogether, Bill?
I guess the Founders were a bunch of radicals, huh Bill, seeing as the Republic was set up to make the white male landed gentry the folks in power?
Hannity has already been rather Newt like for quite some time, always making some wild accusation or condescending remark. Newt has moon bases and Hannity has the conspirators behind the metric system to amuse the faithful.
Perhaps with this new show we will finally learn of the secret sex life of Rupert Murdoch.
Cheek by jowl?
Cameron says he has some 30 years of covering Trump. He must have cut his teeth in the New York media market because the rest of America had to dig to find out what a creep the guy was.
At least they referred to them as “persons” …
Pretty sure it’s called DailyKos…
Alas, O’Reilly’s view will have resonance with millions of American voters and will likely damage Dems.