Cameron, along with ThinkProgress’ Joe Romm, are creating a liberal answer to the Drudge Report. The new website is called Front Page Live, and Cameron serves as chief political correspondent.
I almost never hear about the Drudge Report any more; it’s hardly what it was a dozen years ago in terms of impact, AFAICT. Not sure we need an answer to it when it’s dropped off the map the way it has.
Drinkin’ money? I mean I know none of us have a lot of control of our looks and skin tone , but man he looks like his was influenced by a lot of drinking and he kind of has a buzzed grin in this ad.
Just from a cursory look at the site it looks like standard fare stuff. Horse race polling, some analysis etc. I hope it doesn’t get mixed up with the Front Page magazine run by the execrable Steven Miller mentor David Horowitz.
Glad to see fox’s feet of clay beginning to crack…motive isn’t as important to me as the optic. Now, if he actually starts sharing the inside stories that can make a difference in the election, maybe he won’t seem so much the rat escaping the sinking ship.
The only problem is that a far-right channel is “balanced” against a far-left channel only in the minds of the channels. It puts the burden on the public to seek out both channels, and figure out Truth from polar opposite facts.
Much better is the old way.
Lots of competition with lots of owners. Vibrant news operations and staff on your local music stations. Local newspaper reporters. Tv investigators.
Plus a disciplined application of objective fact gathering, and an honest effort to communicate the full breath of an issue, finally wrapped up by an evaluation by a person with integrity and honor.
Wow. If O’Reilly just added the word “rich” in front of white, he’d literally be describing exactly what happened in more devastating terms than I’d use. And as written, he’s describing the radical system White Supremacists are demanding, because they don’t realize they’d be considered riffraff by the Founding Fathers.
Seriously, people attack conservatives as stupid, but they’re THIS CLOSE to nailing everything on the head; except they’re convinced it’s a liberal hoax to admit it. That’s why they’re brainwashed into starting every conversation with poison pills that piss off liberals, as it’s the only way to keep the war going.
Unfortunately, that time is LONG GONE, replaced with a few mega-monopolist multi-national corporations running the vast majority of TV and Radio Media operations who are in a fight to the death with the few mega-monopolist multi-national corporations running the world-wide-web.
You and I are nothing but PRODUCT to be mined and sold to the highest bidder in the Advertising Wars that have replaced our former “national conversations”.
It if ain’t celebrity, or if it doesn’t bleed, it doesn’t get on the screen.