Those poor cops. O’Reilly’s gonna come after them with everything he’s got !
However, Palm Beach, Fl is about the same distance from Dallas as Buenos Aires is from the Falklands, so Billo is at least being consistant with his location vis a vis to the scene of the crime.
O’Reilly was also broadcasting live from Pearl Harbor when the Japanese bombed it, heard the bang from the bunker in Berlin when Hitler killed himself, witnessed the detonation of the first A-Bomb in New Mexico, witnessed Ike’s first heart attack, parachuted into the USSR with Gary Francis Power, dodging the flaming debris from their U-2, covered the Apollo 11 landing live from the moon, broke the Watergate scandal because he happened to see the burglars leaving the McGovern campaign headquarters when he was leaving a visit with a friend who lived there, was in Tehran when the Iranians took the embassy staff hostage, was sleeping next door to Reagan when they didn’t wake him up to tell him about the Libyan plane shoot down, and personally witnessed Bill Clinton getting a hummer from Monica Lewinsky while Hillary shot Vince Foster.
“In March of 1977 a young reporter knocked on the door of de Mohrenschildt’s daughter’s home, he heard the shotgun blast that marked the suicide of the Russian,” he wrote in his 2012 book, “Killing Kennedy.”
Great, next you’re going to tell me he wasn’t a young reporter in 1977.
“In March of 1977 a young reporter knocked on the door of de Mohrenschildt’s daughter’s home, he heard the shotgun blast that marked the suicide of the Russian,” he wrote in his 2012 book, “Killing Kennedy.”
In March of 1977 a young reporter knocked on the door of de
Mohrenschildt’s daughter’s home, he heard the shotgun blast that marked
the suicide of the Russian
Even assuming that there is a missing “where” in there, that’s some pretty awful writing.
To be FAIr, O’ReiLLy heard JonBenét Ramsey BEING strUCK on tHE heaD and STRANGLEd oUtside her House wHILE rePORting FOR INSide Edition on THE MUrder OF JonBenét Ramsey. HE woN NOt ONLY a PEaBODY, but aLSO a Teen CHOICE aWArd, AN Edward R. MurrOW AwARD, AND The HOLY see granted HIM the Order of the GOLden SPUR.
I thumbed through Killing Kennedy in a book store. Really nothing but a rehash of the much better written The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop (published in 1968). Of course, Bill’s slack-jawed followers probably thought Bill had written something new.
And it appears that it is Billo himself who is in ‘the killing zone.’ He’s made a lot of enemies who will be glad to scrutinize all of his past accounts of self-aggrandizement.