Discussion: Ex-Coal Mine CEO Don Blankenship Indicted Over Explosion That Killed 29

I read a really damnning piece about this crook sometime back. I think it was in Rolling Stone. From what I recall, this indictment is the equivalent of going after Al Capone for income tax evasion. I hope they get him. Thirty one years is not enough given a day off for each day of good behavior but 15 years is fifteen years and I don’t believe there is parole for federal crimes.

He should be sentenced to extra hard labor in a col mine.

Exactly, he won’t do a day.

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Should the convict who stabs Blankenship to death in the exercise yard have his sentence commuted?

Not to belabor the obvious but the fact that this man has not been tried and convicted already tells you all you want to know about the unstoppable influence and corruption of large corporations throughout the world,In the name of profit and perpetuation of a demonstrably destructive resource,We are willing to stand by and tacitly condone the destruction of the environment and poisoning of legions of people who trade their lives and futures for the ability to subsist.

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& what of his co-conspirators who appointed a long time opponent of health and safety regulations to run MSHA during the Bush2.0 administration? Blankenship thought the deregulators would protect his greed driven avoidance of regulations designed to establish a base level of safety for all coal operations.

Bottom line: He knew someone would be killed, and expected to get away with it.

Edit: GAO report on MSHA’s partnership with mine operators. http://www.gao.gov/new.items/d06370t.pdf