How much more of a confession do we need to have that all that collusion stuff was true.
And now, since they were cleared that that shit wasn’t enough to get charges brought, they’re just doing it in the open.
“I can’t be blackmailed because I do all my crimes out in the open” is a weird look. I admit it’s sort of ironic that the most heinous betrayal Trump has committed is to tell the truth.
How long until Trump denies he ever said it and calls the tapes FakeNews? I give until end of day at the latest.
“You don’t want a foreign government or foreign entity giving you information because they will want something back,” he said Thursday morning.
“At least, don’t say it out loud, fer chris’sake,” he added.
Wow… A Fox and Friends host actually said something intelligent! That’s gotta be a first.
So much for the Donald who can’t be bought…
Trump is a dirty stinking traitor. He asked for and got election “help” from Russia in 2016. He won’t apologize for it and says he’d do it again. He won’t report Russian (or North Korean) meddling to help him because Trump only cares about himself.
If she had any courage, Pelosi should announce today that unless Trump resigns, impeachment hearings in the House will begin. In a rational world, yesterday’s Trump admission he is traitor should immediately start impeachment.
Will it?
In a funny, fucked up way, it’s true! You can’t buy Donald Trump. You can agree to a purchase deal with him, but he’ll turn around and stiff you every time.
Ingraham blaming Stephanopoulos is rich. I’d wager a large coffee that Trump’s staff coordinated with ABC and got multiple concessions in exchange for the exclusive.
To be fair, Trump didn’t realize it was an interview. He thought he was chatting strategy with Papadopoulus, not being interviewed by Stephanopoulos.
Easy mistake.
“I think the President’s got to to clarify that…He opened himself wide up to attacks.”
Wow. So for Kilmeade, THAT’S the problem with his comments here: No problem with the illegal and amoral intent. But being so stupid that you continually state it out loud, which opens him up to attacks, is the REAL problem.
I think not. But I bet I get a fundraising email mentioning it.
I am sure Biden’s best friends are on it, condemning these remarks.
God I hate these people. Anyone with half a brain knows how to answer that question especially after an eighteen month investigation into that exact thing. There can be no question that he is a complete fucking moron. Imprecise? You have to be a fucking moron to be imprecise with your words on this issue. Misled by staff? Fucking moron. Clarify your statement? Fucking moron.
Nancy Pelosi’s singular duty is to ensure that Donald Trump is not president in 2021. Right now, I think Trump is unlikely to win re-election unless something big and stupid happens. If Trump were impeached but not convicted, I have zero doubt it would strengthen his re-election campaign. If you come at the manbaby-king, you cannot miss.
I do not envy the Speaker’s position, and I do not know how I would perform her calculus here.
I cannot reasonably comment upon this issue until I hear the opinions of Devin Nunes’s Mother and Cow.
His campaign still owes El Paso, TX like $200K for his huge campaign there with city support and protection. Apparently, Trump just plain tries his best to never pay a bill, stiff everyone and every bank / company if at all possible. Hard to believe anyone gets within a mile of this evil oozing slime.
I heard they think it’s a moo-t point.
[quote=“haddockbranzini, post:4, topic:88871, full:true”]
How long until Trump denies he ever said it and calls the tapes FakeNews? I give until end of day at the latest.
Well yes that’s part of the pattern, but then we will know how deep the shit is when Trump releases the Krakens, SHS and KAC. It’s going to take both of their dark arts power to turn this around.