Discussion: Even Texas' GOP Chair Doesn't Believe In 'Reparative Therapy' For Gays

Discussion for article #224163

‘Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still hate the gays. What I’m saying is, I just don’t think there’s any way you can ever turn them into good people.’


TeaXas GOTP has ordered emergency ‘common sense reparative treatment’ for Munisteri…

Back pedals provided free of charge.

"Do they think they can take a straight person to a psychiatrist and turn them gay?”

Well, now he has done it. Look for a bill outlawing psychiatrists in the next legislation session.


Well, that what you get when you are a bigot: trying to hide it makes it that much more obvious.

In related news, Tom Cruise announced he was moving to Texas.

Wait, the Texas chair of the GOP was on public radio? How can that even happen?


Child brides to act as your beard are cheaper in Texas?

I just remember the Oprah thing where he jumped on a couch and said psychiatry bad. And child brides to act as beard is truly disturbing.

“And child brides to act as beard is truly disturbing”

I suspect Katie Holmes probably agrees with you…now.

Shorter Texas GOP “Yeah, it’s wrong, just get used to it.”

Do the reparative therapists travel in twos and make unannounced cold calls to your residence?

Texan gay hay makes fabulous fodder…

That’s straight from Scientology. They think psychiatrists are using mind control to take over the world.

" I’ll have to say something , I’m low on votes " .