Discussion: Even Graham Wants To Strip Trump Of Emergency Powers Over Saudi Arms Sale

sunni good. shia bad.

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Sure. Wake me when he introduces a bill.

ā€¦ and Cockholster reminds him of the reams and terabytes of kompromat on Limpsey* the Russians helpfully provided him with.

*Not a typo.


Muslim Islamists get better service from Republicans than do Republican voters.

Howā€™s those tariff taxes working for you, voters?

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Dudette mustā€™ve just seen his poll numbers. The internal ones, of course.

Excellent question. Youā€™d think someone could pose that to half of these assholes in Congress while theyā€™re at it. Nah. Too hard.

If war with Iraq was supposed to be a cakewalk (Factcheck: it wasnā€™t), imagine what war with Iran would beā€¦A fucking bakery on fire and free Xmas pudding?

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Letā€™s see Lindsay tackle this one next.


Thereā€™s a little piece of Graham left over from the McCain era? Iā€™m shocked! Iā€™m shocked, I tell you.

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Did anything happen in the Gulf of Oman today?

I guess Donnie two scoops needs to play another round of golf with Mr. Lindsey. Mr. Lindsey is becoming forgetful of the nice conversation they had on their last outing, whatever that was.

Food for thought:

ā€˜Credible evidenceā€™ Saudi crown prince liable for Khashoggi killing ā€“ UN report | Jamal Khashoggi | The Guardian
ā€˜Credible evidenceā€™ Saudi crown prince liable for Khashoggi killing ā€“ UN report
Mohammed bin Salman should be investigated over journalistā€™s murder, says report

Dr. Agnes Callamard, Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions

Inquiry into the killing of Mr. Jamal Kashoggi

UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia unlawful, court of appeal declares
Ruling prompts government to suspend new arms sales to Saudi Arabia while it urgently reviews its processes
UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia unlawful, court of appeal declares | Court of appeal | The Guardian

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Weird. Normally Trump strips Grahamā€¦

Still early with Bolt-On and Cotton-Tail running things.