Discussion: Even Alabama's Governor Is Softening Stance On Medicaid Expansion

Discussion for article #231134

“More than 190,000 low-income Alabamans have been left uncovered because the state refused Medicaid expansion.”

Anyone with half a brain and an ounce of integrity on the GOP side of things has to admit, even if it is only in the privacy of a public men’s washroom, that the ACA actually helps people.

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He is also undoubtedly getting an earful regularly from the hospitals that operate in Alabama, who are stuck with a much larger expense for charity care because the state hasn’t expanded.

Which the Supreme Court will invalidate?

It seems to me that the website I cite below should be accessed (as well as similar sites), in addition to a push to expand coverage and participation in the ACA. Moreover, I do not see POTUS not being aware of all of this.

And what of the Methodological bull***t in which “opposition” to the ACA includes those who want it to do MORE???


Once again making the mistake of thinking a Republican code word has its ordinary meaning.

“Block grant” is Republican for “gut federal funding and let the state’s use what’s left to fuck over the poor instead of help them.”