I wasn’t and I’m someone.
This poll proves one thing. The GOP better forget about Benghazi and emails. The public doesn’t give a damn. Only the zealots in the republican far right think so.Reality must hit sometimes or the GOP/TEA will drive over a cliff no matter who they pick.
And in 2007/8 it was “Hussein Osama who???” This poll is way too early – and I cannot predict exactly what shit is around the corner, but I damn well know its coming. 40% is nostalgia for the Bill Clinton administration and name recognition. When she starts campaigning out in the open instead of behind closed doors, this situation may change rapidly.
Or, as I heard a couple talking heads on NPR admit, perhaps everyone outside the Beltway didn’t really give a rats ass about her email.
I still want other candidates in the primary. I am not yet sold on supporting Clinton for the nomination, but will work my ass off for whoever the nominee is (including Clinton) for the General.
Fifty five percent seems to be Hillary’s baseline number. That means she wins unless Republicans find a way to peal a lot of her support away. Maybe if they persuade Jews to vote Republican en masse they might have a chance, but I am afraid there just aren’t enough angry old white people to win a presidential election.
I worry that there are not enough people for whom HRC is an unknown candidate, meaning there may not be enough possible upward movement in her support. I suppose in a general election it will always offer a choice between one or the other, so she would only need to be better or more supportable than whomever the r’s troll out there, but it still concerns me.
The really, really buried information in this article is that Hillary has a yoga routine.
The very last words in fact.
I fricking love this and want to do Yoga with Hillary.
The Repubs have got to be hating on this fact and scheming their evil little brains off trying to find a way to make something out of this without reinforcing their well deserved label of War on Women.
Giuliani was never a serious candidate, at least, not to anyone paying attention. An ethnic New York pro-choice candidate with gay roommates and pictures of him in drag would never have got anywhere with the wingnut base, particularly in the old Confederacy. And that’s leaving aside his personality, which never played well outside the city.
Obama made his name with the speech at the 2004 convention, and by being one of the few Dems to prosper in that year’s election. He was a rising star, and by late 2007 was in a three-way race with Edwards and Hillary. Comparing that to today, there’s no one to challenge Hillary, certainly not of the stature of Edwards or Obama. I think this poll pretty accurately shows the landscape on which the 2016 election will be fought.
Is Clinton really the best America can do?
I was under the impression that the GOP didn’t uncover the email “scandal.” More that they jumped ont he bandwagon and are pushing it now that it is here.
I say it still has no substance.
Hitlerey is TOAST!!!11111!!1One!!!
Twenty more months of this crap. Twenty.
Wake me up when it’s all over.
If you think “1991” was even the beginning of the worst they can do, then you have a very big shock coming.
The GOTea will stop at nothing, no matter how sleazy or slimy, to get their decrepit, cryptkeeper claws on the presidency.
Who did uncover the scandal? I first heard about it with the NYT report but they didn’t say who tipped them off. Then I heard that the GOP had been sitting on evidence of Clinton’s personal email use for months after requesting emails for the Benghazi investigation. The lack of a tipper-offer plus the fact that the GOP was in possession of this evidence seemed like a strong indication suggesting GOP origin, but what really pushed me over the edge was the timing of having this story hit a few weeks before she announces her candidacy. Maybe force Clinton to reconsider whether she really wants to put up with this crap for two years. Give the press some reason to weave controversy into their coverage of her candidacy. Etc etc.
Presidential polls 20 months before the election, and 15 months before the actual candidates are selected are functionally worthless. They provide fodder for TV talking heads to debate, but they offer zero insight into the actual election. To argue otherwise is just silly.
I think the NYT was played - not for the first time . that article was so thin: but it gave the gasbags a start and every one got in on the act. Have these people learnt anything? No and they never will. F*ks News and CNN with help from EMessNBC will lay down this manure regularly. If it is not the emails, it will be something else. Any story will have legs… The voters will ignore Bullshit Mountain. They see it at every election and they walk on by.
I think it was Michael S. Schmidt I saw interviewed on this. If so, he said the story was not started by the GOP.
And I say the whole business is just pissing into the wind. As with Obama, there is nothing Hilary can ever explain that will convince D-Baggers to accept a story and move on (no pun intended).
Oh, dear! All that hard work the media put into manufacturing a scandal over her emails didn’t seem to produce the results they intended.
Supporters will be apologizing and making excuses for Clinton II right through the next two years. If she wins the general, it will be at least four years of apologizing and making excuses for her. That’s just how the Clintons roll. She is just barely a Democrat. She’s better than terrible. A battle cry for the ages!