Discussion: EPA Shares Few Details About Pruitt's Pricey Trip To Morocco

I hope you’re not sarong about that. :wink:

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I am guessing he is forced to resign before the first day of summer.

Why? Trump doesn’t care, Republicans in Congress don’t care. They like his style and get mad at the “leakers” who have the gall to tell us about these things.

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They’re all at assisted living by now. Pruitt or canasta? Umm…canasta!

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To try to get them to purchase LNG from Carl Icahn. You see, Carl Icahn nominated Pruitt by whispering his name in Donald Trump’s ear while he was serving the administration or transition. Then he required Pruitt to walk from Trump Tower to Icahn’s Manhattan apartment and conduct a secret interview with him (Icahn) before Trump could nominate Pruitt. I am sure the interview covered exactly everything that Pruitt had to be willing to do for Icahn once he ran the EPA. This includes the trip to Morocco to lobby that country’s head of state to buy LNG from Icahn rather than much closer sources in the Middle East. This is one of the many reasons Pruitt requires a Cone of Silence in his office.

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Without putting too fine a point on it, Pruitt is a lying pig who needs to go, . . .NOW!

Guys, I have been studying Morocco for decades, and know a lot about the country. Pruitt probably discussed new ways to smuggle the new gas reserves that were discovered in Morocco by both SDX energy and Sound energy corps. Huge reserves in the Sebou region and the Eastern region with billions of cubic feet.
Morocco is one of the most corrupt countries on earth. All energy and resources are smuggled on a daily basis. Morocco has the world’s largest phosphate reserves, huge Fisheries, and newly discovered gas and oil. So Pruitt probably went there looking for a good deal on Moroccan energy to impoverish Moroccans even more and sustain the dictatorship in Morocco.

This is just a taste of what the monarchy in Morocco does. Major corruption shared by the biggest newspapers in the globe. It’s no longer a secret
Real Estate corruption:

Money laundering and tax evasion:

Pardoning pedophiles:

Gold smuggling: