Discussion: EPA Hits 30-Year Low In Taking Criminal Action Against Polluters

As far as I am concerned, Donald Trump can suck a bus.

It’s nature’s way of telling you something’s wrong
It’s nature’s way of telling you in a song
It’s nature’s way of receiving you
It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
It’s nature’s way of telling you
Something’s wrong
It’s nature’s way of telling you, summer breeze
It’s nature’s way of telling you, dying trees
It’s nature’s way of receiving you
It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
It’s nature’s way of telling you
Something’s wrong
It’s nature’s way, it’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way, it’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way of telling you
Something’s wrong
It’s nature’s way of telling you
In a song, oh-h
It’s nature’s way of receiving you
It’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way of retrieving you
It’s nature’s way
It’s nature’s way of telling you
Something’s wrong, something’s wrong, something’s wrong


I think we’ll just file this one under, “by design.”

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Clean air and water are for rich people.

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Feature, not bug, when foxes are in the hen house.

GODDAMN these people! I hope they all die painfully from chemicals in their food, air, and water.

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There’s no excuse for this. If Scott Pruitt hadn’t been so incompetent, this would have been a 45 year low.


GOP voters:
“Our country is led by a Russian-owned puppet who boasts about buying hamburgers. Rich people can buy more yachts and take more vacations due to the tax cuts. Deregulation of industries means dirtier water and air.
Our dream has come true. Thank you Jesus.”

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And, given their druthers, this year will be even lower, especially with the shutdown…and that presumes that the administration doesn’t just RIF the EPA after the shutdown runs long enough.