Discussion: Embattled TN House Speaker Calls Explicit Sexual Texts 'Locker Room Talk'

It remains a bit of a curiosity how Trump can get away with these kinds of things, and far worse, while Republicans who try to emulate his more boorish behavior can’t. It’s obviously a good thing…perhaps it means that the moral center of the nation will snap back after Trump leaves office, or that some slice of Republicans is willing to look the other way as long as the boor is the president and does things for them. I don’t know, but hopefully we have a lot more Republicans who do things like this before 2020, that will make it easier to drag the party down.

Ho-lee-fuk…I mean, come on! The background on this is delightfully juicy!

“None of this is true but if it comes out that it is it’s because I’m 59 years old but many many years ago when I was 56 I was working so hard I did only what every young, vigorous, overachiever does. Thankfully now that I’m mature and - praise Jayzus - I’m totally cured, exonerated, and forgiven by my wife, pastor, campaign manager, and the guy from Jiffy Lube, it’s time to turn the page, put this behind us, and move on so we can continue to do the Very Important Work of the People who after all overwhelmingly support me. As far as the stature of Nathan Bedford Forest goes, that was here when I got the office and I had heard that there was some state law or something that said you couldn’t move anything or something like that. Plus I don’t even know who that guy is…some historical character would be my guess - I think it might be the guy that started. state parks system, which I love by they way and visit like all the time. Anyway, don’t blame me, it’s the Demoncraps playing gotcha! And as far as that whole snorting coke off of hookers thing, I don’t know anything about it…What do you mean nobody said anything about hookers? I’m sure one of you guys mentioned something about that. Maybe it was a staffer and they just got confused.”


Another Republican who is genuinely sorry…that he got caught.

As long as he sticks it to the Dems and says abortion is murder, he’s a godly man, deserving of full support from TN’s christians


Am I missing something? This is the first I’m hearing of this story, so maybe something’s not in it that will clarify. While obviously the allegations of actual sexual harassment and doing coke and what not are serious, I’m a little baffled about what’s wrong with that text. Was the pole dancing woman a coworker? What relation was there that someone’s actually a victim of something from that text? I mean, sure, you can argue it objectifies women, but a woman who chooses to have pictures taken of her pole dancing has already sort of made that choice about objectification. Was it secretly taken and NOT to be shared? Are we mad about that text because it’s icky? Here’s a hint: guys say and do lewd things in private when talking about sex and so do women. Whoopty fucking doo.

Seems a mistake to be focusing on that text rather than the accusations of real wrongdoing and yet the article does just that, providing little in the way of facts about what the bases of the accusations of real wrongdoing are, instead just stating that he’s been accused. Overreach/overbroadness undermines making the case that real wrongdoing be taken seriously.


Well the easy answer would be Trump was a “star” so they let you do it. Then there’s his repeated interviews on the Howard Stern show. But things that were joked about in the late 90s and early 2000s are not acceptable now, some people grow up, others just never mature.


People don’t really talk this way in locker rooms. They talk this way in meeting rooms and private areas composed of the powerful and the wannabe-powerful looking to have homophilic connections over ostensibly heterosexual contexts. It’s a type of juvenile male bonding at the expense of propriety. Not a good characteristic to have in your 50s.


Cold showers

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Except this was on their phones and ostensibly private and not an inappropriate place to share that kind of thing if one is wont to share that kind of thing (dumb place to do it, but not inherently wrong). Were they work phones? Maybe I can muster up a little outrage that they’d use public property for that, but again, the substance isn’t inherently wrong in any way. You can judge it and moralize all you want, but it didn’t hurt anyone that I’m aware of…nor does it rise to the level of moral turpitude that would put his entire fitness to hold office into question. I’m open to new facts that convince me otherwise, but the story here isn’t “he sent lewd texts like people sometimes do”. It’s whatever factual basis there is for accusations that he actually harassed people and is a cokehead.

Casada dismissed the conversations Tuesday as “locker talk” of a (three years) younger man.

Glen Casada (born August 2, 1959)

Yes, I've known all sorts of 56 year old people that reached emotional maturity at age 59. It happens.

seems like a lot of locker room talk for men who haven’t been in a locker room since high school


“Three years ago, I participated in base locker room talk, if you will, amongst two adult men,”

Who the hell talks like this? I’d get rid of him just for this effete bullshit.


The party of Family Values, folks!

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Very insecure people ? Saying " I’m not a homo!" …

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Always a joke, locker room talk, boys will be boys, etc… don’t any of these people grow beyond about 12.


Were they using state resources for this? I bet there are regulations forbidding personal use of state computers, and especially viewing or sending sexually explicit images using state-owned devices.

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And I’m sure that there is at least one in this discussion that has never talked "locker room talk: among buddies?
If you say not, you’re a damn liar. Even in the 50’s I heard talk between boys in elementary school that I’d never heard, but hell yes, I participated also. My sister who teaches elementry school, said she has never heard such language coming from even younger students as time has passed.
So, all you that are casting the first stone, you’re all a bunch of hypocrites. I admit that even today, I hear, ‘locker room talk’ among males, females and it’s at the places i contract my skills to.

Here’s some “locker room” talk: You’re fucked sideways motherfucker.

Well I’d argue most heterosexual guys talk like this about strip club women because that’s kind of what it’s all about in strip clubs and usually encouraged by the women. Granted you can argue and I’ll agree some may be forced to be there. And on a similar but lighter note folks that pose for porn of their own will should be allowed and folka should be able to watch that do so of their own will.

Embattled TN House Speaker Calls Explicit Sexual Texts ‘Locker Room Talk’

If he believes that’s an excuse, let him resign his position and get a job as a locker-room attendant.

Then we’ll talk.

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Personal Responsibility™.

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