Discussion: Embattled Sen. Ayotte: Trump Should Accept Election Outcome

Didn’t she say that she would write in Mike Pence’s name? Isn’t Mike Pence all in with Trump?

Seems like she’s going to vote for the lesser of two Trumpists.


If she does not clearly indicate that she will not vote for or support the Trump/Pence ticket either in whole or in part she is unfit to hold elected office.

There that should end the discussion. :smirk:

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Soon-To-Be-Ex-Senator Ayotte, repeat after me: “Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party.”

That is all the American voters need to know when they cast their ballots this election.

Trump: Ayotte has had multiple abortions; I pay no attention to her.

Trump: Ayotte doesn’t look good in a bikini, so I pay no attention to her.

I hope ex-Senator Ayotte is working on her own concession speech.
She can get tips form her good role model buddy, the Drumpfster.

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She’s been one spineless opportunistic pol since she began her reelection campaign. Fuck her. She’s as pliable without substance as balsa wood turned into sawdust. If NH hasn’t figured it out yet, the woman has no core beliefs and no true north.

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Forced into a corner by a tight race in which she is tied to the unlikable presidential nominee of her party, Senator Kelly Ayote reluctantly conceded that in an election the losing candidate should accept his loss.

No. She’s a pure opportunist.

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FIFY. Few years too late for her to grow a spine.

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This is the way if you want to survive a political war.