Discussion: Emanuel Trying To Raid Indiana Firms Over Religious Freedom Law (READ)

Well, under this law, Disciples of Christ Church can refuse service to Republicans, since most things Republicans do contradict everything taught by Christ.


I really don’t care to much for hizzoner the mayor, but in this case, I like it a lot! More needs to be done to put Pense down for this religious freedom law or as I like to call it, fascists unite law.

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Funny! I’ve had to put up with the occassional story of Rick Perry coming to California and trolling businesses located in this “grossly over-regulated, over-taxed, and down-right earthquake prone state.” I’d really enjoy if the wingnuttery promoted by all the Tea Baggers results in a movement of businesses toward more rational states.

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Sounds like a page straight out of Netanyahu’s playbook:

European Jews aren’t buying it though:

Even Israeli Jews aren’t convinced that life is better for Jews in Israel than in Europe:

I doubt that businesses in Indiana will view things much differently.

Rahm may be a fucking asshole, but he’s our fucking asshole. Glad he could put those fuckers in their place. Fuck. Fuckers. More fucking gratuitous cursing. Fuck.


For once I can say, good on Emanuel. More states should do this.

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I think this is what called being hoist by your own petard.

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FauXians hoist on their own re--------I mean PEtard.

Sorry …I posted my comment before reading yours…

Great minds…

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I should bookmark this for all those people who are constantly asking why Christians don’t stand up against Right Wing Christians. They do, they just don’t get the headlines.

I’ll go out on a limb. I like Rahm. He’s an unmitigated asshole, but he’s also an asshole who gets things done, knows how to whip the shit out of a caucus, and and doesn’t take no for an answer. I would love for him to be back as COS in the WH.

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He never met any opportunity he couldn’t exploit…