Discussion: Elizabeth Warren To Trump: 'Put Aside Our Differences' To Rebuild Economy

Excellent point.

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Come back when you’re rested.

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Dems will forever care about being adult.

This is how you start.

Can’t come out of the gate as obstructing. That is the difference between us and them.

After all of the stink about accepting the result of the election, we needed to put out the bridge.

He will burn it, no doubt.

I hold out hope the his vindictive side comes out at Ryan and McConnell first, they actually have power and he will want to get them in line.

I would not be surprised that the persona he put on was for votes and there is some pragmatism in him.


If you want to do something about it
 contact your local Democratic Party organization and ask what you can do to help. If you have more money than time give them some of your money. if not, figure out a way to give them some of your time.


I think they are going through the moves, so that when he implodes, it will be obvious he is his own worst enemy. They are all so much smarter than he is

can dance circles around his fragile psyche. Dish it out and let him choke on it.

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Liz, you are my dream woman, but you seem to be puffing some pretty potent ganja. Trump is already setting up an office exclusively for the purpose of making your life miserable for the next 4 years. His “List” exists
bigly. Trump will usher in an era of McCarthyism that even McCarthy would blush at. The deeply disturbing truth is that Trump really will use the Oval Office as a bludgeon. His enemies will be made to suffer. If you think the NSA is bad now, just wait until the Deep Surveillance State gets into full swing. And lastly, the idiots who voted for this monster are going to learn very quickly that they, more than most other Americans, are who will get crushed by Trump’s policies. The USA will never fully recover from this nightmare.


Step away from the keyboard. Show me your hands! Show me your hands!

Okay. Now go for a long walk, do some shadow boxing and talk to yourself. But not too loud.


Be well.

She is doing what people in government are supposed to do: reach out to people who disagree with them and try and work together for the common good.

One of the many paradigms this election seems to have changed is the definition of liberal and conservative, at least as applied to governance. The so-called conservatives made it very clear they didn’t want to conserve anything. Their stated mission was to burn down the steady work of democracy that had been handed to them by every previous generation, and they may very well be largely successful. The only things the conservatives truly wanted to conserve in this election were their own privileges of race and religion (and, oh yes, gender). And they were willing to elect a madman to do it.

Meanwhile, it will now be the work of liberals to argue for the traditions of due process, the rule of law, honorable compromise and slow, steady change. The conservatives wanted to set everything on fire, making us liberals the new culture warriors for a functioning, rule-based society.

This is who we have to be now. This land is our land, and it’s up to us to work as hard as we can to conserve it and pass it on to the next group.


if only economic reform had been a priority in Hillary’s speeches.
She would have done a great job with the economy, but was so busy talking about Piggy Wiggy, forgot to mention it.

Folks, I very much doubt Elizabeth Warren has the slightest illusion or naivetĂ© about the type of person she’s dealing with. Every Democrat voice I’ve heard since last night has spoken very explicitly about the importance of adhering to the laws and norms that regulate our government. It’s probably partly instinct and partly the beginnings of a strategy to contrast their respect for how we’ve always done things with Trump’s contempt for the Constitution and any norm of any kind. The GOP has long been a radical party. The Democrats, if they can hold themselves up as the party of stability, of normality, of the rule of law and decent behavior, may be able to use that as a rallying point. I think a lot of voters frivolously, stupidly, naively, ignorantly, and recklessly opted for some vague notion that Trump would bring “change.” I don’t think they wanted chaos but I think that’s what they’re likely to get. Hence these expressions of good faith and probity. That’s my read. But she has no illusions. I think that’s impossible.


Hey!!! Take another look. Repubs control the entire government. Their goal has always been to set the economy of this country up to benefit themselves. Look for the majority of this nations wealth to be skimmed off to the Cayman Islands (or wherever). That will be in their own names, however. We don’t get any. Don’t worry they will balance it out by cutting food stamps.

If you didn’t vote for Hillary
you voted for it.


Nah. It’s time to out-Newt Newt. Dems should be one nonstop, infinite filibuster.


Hard to do when it’s pretty much a certainty that McConnell will get rid of it the first week in January.

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'The Democrats, if they can hold themselves up as the party of stability, of normality, of the rule of law and decent behavior, may be able to use that as a rallying point’

That’s what the Democrats have done and been made fools of for doing for decades. The Republicans have proved that bullying, lying, threatening and scheming are rewarded far more frequently than ‘good behavior’ by the American electorate. Sad, but true.


Thanks for that. I feel much better now.


Democrats, if they can hold themselves up as the party of stability, of normality, of the rule of law and decent behavior, get nothing for it.


Look where honor got Ned Stark. Playing nice is nothing but tapdancing on the headsman’s platform at this point, my friend.

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You’re welcome. Anything else I can get you? Coffee? Tea? A short cuss-filled lambasting?


trump having achieved the power will now unleash his real self with no one able to restrain him.
we know he is deeply racist anti- semetic and totally disrespectful of women feeling entitled to his behavior without any sense of self reflection .
the democrats and by extension more importantly WE the people have suffered their fate precisely because NOT a single one of them has the independence or the desire to forego institutionalized corruption and actually make governing of the people their priority.
warren wastes no time in signaling she for one has no desire to change or to fight.
why not announce that like republicans did democrats would never approve a trump SCOTUS pick?
trump like all candidates only reflect the people who voted for him
that america is still a haven of white racism hardly shocks me.
sadly, neither does the complicity of the pseudo political party called the democrats.

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