Discussion: Egg Breaks Record For Most-Liked Instagram Post

This is like the internet equivalent of the Pet Rock: Pet Rock goes viral.


And nothing about the Baby Shark craze.


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This is so 10M likes ago,…


Just wait until the egg hatches!!! :hushed:

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As the co-keeper of a flock of six lovely hens, I approve.


Kylie lost to an …egg?

Mom had better do a better job of sluting up her daughters.

Slow nubes day?

WGAF. I wanna see a time lapse of Ted Cruz being bitten by a large Komodo Dragon and watch the toxins and inevitable bacterial infection slowly deliquesce his mangy carcass. Call me when it’s released at 1-800-WTF-NFTG.


I was so sad when mine died and I had to bury it in the backyard…


No, Asturcot, it went upstate to frolic in a meadow with the other rocks!


Maybe Kylie should come out of her shell?

I’ll let myself out…


Sometimes the internet is just plain stupid. This is one of those times.


That’s the sappy story. The horrible truth is they grind them up and use them to make another brick in the wall.

I’m sorry. It’s brutal, but you deserve to know the truth.


It’s these kind of stories, essentially a link to another sites reporting, and the silly subject matter, that drops the value of this site for me. It really feels like a fluffer piece in lieu or something both original and about a topic worthy of worth reading.

I need you all to hop on the mass-media bandwagon like I need a hole in my head, and I need more inane click-bait stories even less than that.

Give me a reason to come here that HuffPo and a dozen other sites don’t already provide…

Posts like this are the reason I spend three times as much time checking Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire than TPM these days.
Check it out, if you aren’t already well familiar with it: https://politicalwire.com/

Really, Josh. Why did you waste precious space and our precious time with this?

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I read the “Egg Breaks” headline and thought, Oh no!

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Then the yolk was on you.

I really do apologize, it’s a sickness.

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“Entertained to Death”

I know your pain. After my American rock passed on I adopted two Alpine rocks, one from Switzerland and one from Austria. I had no trouble with ICE or CBP when I returned since they’re both white.

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