Discussion: Editorial: RNC, Fox Are Rigging The Primary Process Just Like The Democrats

Discussion for article #242670

So, in 2016 a state with 1.3 million people suddenly finds out nobody gives a shit what their 0.3% of the population thinks as far as determining national policy?

Aw. So sad.


…excluding such candidates from nationally-televised debates, just as voters are starting to pay closer attention…

What’s your point? They should be grateful.


if Fox and the RNC really wanted to do us a favor they’d kill whatever it is Iowa does too…


You wanna write Chris Christie’s name in, you go right ahead, big fella! That’ll show the world!


Am I the only one who wonders what is the point of this article, or whatever it is?

The worst thing about letting New Hampshire have the first primary is that every four years, we have to be reminded that the state’s main paper is a loony-right rag with an editorial stance that is far to the right even of the Völkischer Beobachter Wall Street Journal.


FOX, Mercury and Salem have been coordinating a media barrage to accomplish the nomination of a far right candidate. Particularly Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin have worked together to define the issues and provide cover and support for the GOP candidates they prefer, particularly Cruz. Presumably, this is legal under 1st Amendment principles, but it’s important to recognize this coordination for what it is.

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Translation - the RNC and FuxSnooz are scared sh*tless that tRump or Carson might be the nominee.


Somehow I think ridding the nation of the likes of Rick Perry, Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum is actually doing us a service and there’s no reason for New Hampshire to get all butthurt over this — don’t worry, you will still have plenty of losers to winnow like Rand Paul and Jeb!


Yes, you are — because the rest of us realize the point was for us to click on it, which we did.

Who cares? NH has 4 lousy electoral college votes and is about as representative of the U.S. as Tashkent.


But they wanted to be the ones to make the decision!!!

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Not that either will be the nominee. I don’t think that will happen.

However, in the weird little world that the GOP primary process has been ever since 2008, I think they worry that the two leading clowns will help marginalize a “legitimate” candidate, like Bush.

Cruz is counting his blessing right now as he doesn’t have to out dumb and out outrage the two putative frontrunners. After the shit of NH and Iowa quiet down and the rest of the really chaffy chaff has blown away - Christie, Jindal, Huckabee, Graham, Sleep, Doc and Dopey, Cruz will be in ascendance as the media’s attention will not be quite so divided and fixated.


Cruz is a putz.
He’s the littlest putz in a game of dodgeball-- hiding behind other putzes.
As you mentioned-- as the field winnows-- he won’t be ascendant IMO-- just the next target.
Besides, he won’t get the nomination if everyone in his own party thinks he’s a putz too.



Given, this is a very low bar, but good for the GOP for thinking Teddy is that annoying debater who won’t leave you alone because he’s oh so very superior to you, and has to prove it, non-stop.


I hope so. But the MSM showed him a lot of deference two years ago when he led the way to shut down the government over the budget process and dickhear Ryan came out of it smelling like a rose with his bi-partisan compromise.

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Strange but true: those contestants that have spent very little time in NH are polling the highest and they are Trump and Carson, 7 and 6 days respectively. Graham on the other hand has spent the most time on the ground, 33 days, and is polling at -1%, Christie has spent 20 days there and is polling at 5%. So RW media should be scared.


We’ll be hearing more about Rafael and hopefully it will tarnish Ted… He was not the hero of the revolution he’s always bragged he was and which now Ted does too. Authentic fighters call Rafael a “wishful thinker.”

Rafael Cruz’s former comrades and friends disputed his description of his role in the Cuban resistance. He was a teenager who wrote on walls and marched in the streets, they said — not a rebel leader running guns or blowing up buildings.


They seem to think Fox and the GOP are different entities …