Discussion: 'Ducky Dynasty' Musical Causes Friction With Gay-Friendly Broadway

What a truly fupped-duck idea.



Too late …the Duck Dynasty musical was released over thirty five years ago…


If it even actually opens, it’s first performance will be it’s last.

Their teevee show was cancelled and they couldn’t even sell enough tickets in Branson to open.

Their 15 minutes is officially over, but no one bothered to tell the opportunists that surround them.

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Probably not long.

You should hold your breath until he does.


(plus some additional pointless characters)

Fuck a duck! This has got to turn out to be the tackiest, losinest, hairiest musical every contemplated. I can tell y’all straight up, I wouldn’t pay a plugged nickel to walk across the street to watch these mofos struttin around on a stage. No sir, never, no fuckin way.

Don’t I remember that Elton got paid a million bucks to sing at gaybaiter Rushslob Limbos 4th or 5th wedding… Lost count of Mr. Family Values nuptials. They came and went so fast and furiously between Limbo’s mysterious journeys to the Dominican Republic with his pockets full of oxycontin and viagra. I just can’t imagine what this paragon of right wing virtue could have been doing down there. Some kind of charitable work with disadvantaged young boys, I imagine…hmmm.

Oooooo! When are the auditions for the dog vomiting spectacular? My dog just ate some grass and I think he’ll be ready for his close up in about a half hour! Where do we send the videos?

I don’t feel as if I’ve learned enough about this family. I am hopeful that setting their lives to music will enlighten me.

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I saw it on that one night----I’ve never forgotten a moment of it, awful as it was.

The straight one is “This Ain’t Duck Dynasty XXX”
The gay-male one is “F*ck Dynasty”

And both are pretty terrible - and not in a good way. Disappointing.
Clips are on YouTube (nsfw… duh).

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lol…good work sir.

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Springtime for Willie…

It still largely is, which is why this will be a disaster and close within a month of opening, if it stays open that long.

Ah, tilley. Good to see your shift key is still operable. Your glass needs filling.

They haven’t so far.

I’m kind of disappointed that there doesn’t seem to be any Duck Dynasty slash fiction out there. You would think, with all the brothers, it would be ripe for that kind of thing.

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The wrong move is to protest those working with these clowns. Let them do as they please. Protesting brings you down to their level. Let the show go on. If it does well, fine. If it flops, better. But protesting will actually HELP the show and give it more publicity. Of course if their marketing people are smart, they might even add a few “staged” protests. Remember this is not NYC, where the show would stand no chance of succeeding. It’s Vegas…

Hello Dull-y…

You had an experience that people sometimes say you could dine out on. I lived in NY for many years and I loved musicals, saw some really great ones. Never objected to drama either.

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