Discussion: Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson

This idiot is a perfect example of the base of the Republican Party!

He is woefully ignorant about American and world history (the English were just as Christian as American Revolutionary War fighters–many settlers escaped the mandatory worship of the Anglican Church BY COMING TO America…they did not excape a godless Britain, they came to a godless America to decide their own religious beliefs. Hence the 1st Amendment.) He also is unaware that the Constitution was written by deists, as well as Christians, and lawyers (one from Harvard lol) who were enamored with Enlightenment thoughts about the importance of science over religion and the need to keep religious worship (and religious’ figures judging the moral values of political proposals, political actors, etc) out of government, keep government (which includes politics, politicians and the Republican Party) out of religion and freedom with every citizen to determine their own beliefs without input from anyone unrequested. And it was WRITTEN AFTER THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. Fool. Why would they have needed a Constitution when they were ruled by the Crown?

He also tries to exclude many Americans from history, when they gave their health or lives to create the nation or keep it safe, just as his party tries to negate the patriotism, morality and rights of many Americans. Equating Christian beliefs with morality and patriotism is the M.O. of the Repub Party since Nixon’s days. Reagan amped it up, and Rove–with the help of a media pretending to be liberal or unbiased-- wove it into the mindset of their entire base. They never question the concept that non-Christians have moral guidelines just as they do, whether Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Native American, etc., or atheist. They can’t envision morality for the common good without the 10 Commandments. And they equate sexual promiscuity with anything not Republican/Christian.

Part of me sees this wild, stream of consciousness speech as a carefully crafted document that defines the Republican view of the 2016 landscape: It’s already trying to eliminate any possibility that anyone or anything not Republican and Christian could possibly be moral or patriotic. To be anything else is to require your exclusion as disease-ridden, unGodly. Muslims = Nazis. Guns were pulled into the heavenly trinity of Christian, Republican and Armed. It’s moronic, foolish, ignorant, uninformed, completely wrong, racist, and exclusionary. And their base loves it. It easily defines them, makes them feel included into something that justifies their prejudices and never makes them work to be anything better. It’s a drug that excuses their envy, anger, meanness, prejudice, ignorance…and calls them patriotic, moral, good…righteous in fact. So easy. No study required, no effort–they need not recycle, lower pollution levels, engage in any internal dialogue about prejudicial thoughts about races, genders, sexual orientations. Those people are immoral, anti-American. He can hate them. Do guns create more murders? No need for them to research facts…They can take their guns out and shoot at everything that moves, have a shooting party. It’s patriotic and Christian. Those who fought the war for independence had guns. So they must be good. Jesus would have had them if he could have…

It’s a mindthink they can safely crawl into, close the curtains, turn off their thinking processes and feel safe. Many must know they are wrong, but the womb-like nature of the pod makes them feel so safe and comforted by belonging that they don’t care how wrong it all is (God forbid that anger be directed at them either…stay where they are, don’t move, don’t question.). And we all know exactly what the next election will look like.