Discussion: Ducey Will Appoint McSally To Senate

I hear that Gabby Giffords husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, is considering running for this seat.


Republicans deliver Arizona second best leftovers.


If I recall correctly, that seat will be up in four years. If it was two years, I’d think the Democrats would have a really good chance at grabbing it, given the shit-crushing defeat that the GOP will take in 2020 for the never-ending Trump shit scandals.

So, when is McConnell up for re-election? 2020? If so, wouldn’t his defeat be glorious revenge?


I guess Republicans DO believe in participation trophies.


The Eva Braun of AZ politics will do her best to stay in the bunker as everything her rotten scumbag party does collapses. Okay.

…to just rip the veneer off people and expose them for who they really are…

Yes, except It barely needed to try.

As predicted.

Her concession telegraphed that the fix was in.

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Surprise, surprise. ‘They’ said she wasn’t in the Arizona GOPs good graces but what do ‘they’ know.

Intro for every question for McSally: Are you the one who won or lost?

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But no matter what, the optics on this, after all the exposure of Sore Loser legislation in other States, makes McSally’s appointment a poison pill. “Republicans only believe in honest elections when they win.”

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ÂŽ will appoint outgoing Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ) to the Senate, he announced Tuesday, giving McSally quite a consolation prize after she lost a hard-fought Senate race earlier this fall.

Thus proving the old saying that it’s not whether you win or lose, it’s whether or not you’re a Republican.


NYT has the word salad-like explanation from Huck.

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There is an election in 2020 for this seat and one in 2022 again when McCain’s term officially ends.

The important thing is, what’s the Dem bench for this seat? The GOP should be so toxic in two years that this should be an easy pick up.

I seriously don’t think Rump will be on the ballot in 2020. Most of the country (save for feral trumpers) are getting very tired of him. Wait until the recession really kicks into high gear. The name of “Trump” will be as toxic as Nixon’s was in the 1970’s. Ducey can certainly try but the Senate forecast for the Rethugs is pretty bad, especially in purple States like AZ.

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I KNEW it was the dog on her lap in her concession speech last month that did it!!!

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Fuck voters, you said you did not want her, ha think again, FU.

Anyone with a brain wave saw this coming. Deeply cynical GOP a-holes band together to foist a losing candidate on voters who booted her in another race. She better be kicked out…again…in the next rodeo.

Hey, she hid from her constituents, of which I’m one, during her stint as CD-2 representative. It’ll be a piece of cake to hide from everybody statewide when she actually has to run for office. She’ll always be Martha “Let’s-get-this-fu*king-thing-done” McSally to me.