Discussion: D'Souza: Progressives Pretend To Attack The 1 Percent But Really Attack Immigrants

Its official. “Palin word salad” should now be part of the dictionary for any nonsensical gibberish uttered by a politico or pundit. But condense to one word? palinwordsalad?


Republicans are the real heroes of the Civil Rights Movement because of Abraham Lincoln and, I’m going to say, Jesus.

ahem…you have forgotten another big reason for their “heroism”…



“Odious”-- such a good word for mean-spirited pricks like D’Souza.


A more helpful and accurate ID would have been: "Dinesh D’Souza, conservative author and felon … "

I appreciate the author’s intent not to take a potshot at D’Souza in the process of merely identifying him. Still, when the subject is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing, he should be identified as such, based on the very fundamental point that it helps the reader understand who the person is.


Call it the entertainment section.

What actually D’Souza’s argument is? And how a ‘political criminal’ (he plead guilty to violating campaign finance law) at the first place, appear in the TV talk show to sermonize.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but it isn’t the 1% per se that liberals attack. It’s how they got there and the advantages they get from being there.


He can’t speak for me, my ancestors didn’t steal any land; my father was a Welshman, and all he did was he went to someone’s house and stole a leg of beef.

“Dinesh D’Souza, conservative author and filmmaker, …”

Shouldn’t that be:

“Dinesh D’Souza, convicted felon, …”

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I could understand all these criminal references if he were a child molester or something, but you guys are REALLY taking this stuff too seriously.

Yes, yes. We get it. The man committed a crime. Thus said, that doesn’t negate the substance (or lack thereof) of what he said. Why make it about him, when the things he said are such better targets?

But that’s just it…

Why ISN’T he in jail already?? The man just continues to make interviews, hawk his movie, hawk his book,etc…why isn’t he in jail serving out his sentence already?


When does he begin his jail term?

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Interesting how conservatives become civil libertarians upon conviction.

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Who writes his material, $arah Palin?

Convicted felon and possible child molester. Thats what I’ve heard.


Maybe this was part of the Reince Priebus apology settlement. Dinesh D’Souza was the interviewee to be named later.

He dated and boffed Laura Ingraham while they were both at Dartmouth, even got engaged.

That is a crime against humanity.

Because usually when someone confesses and is convicted to committing a felony…the only interviews they do are from within jail. And you usually have much smaller audiences.

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And yet we click and reply.

What’s wrong with us, sheeple?!?


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