Discussion for article #241697
Discussion: Drunk Mac & Cheese Bro Apologizes, Asks People To Send Mac & Cheese To Food Bank
…he had previously been arrested twice for assaulting a police officer and calling a detective the N-word.
But he was so much younger then…he’s older than that now.
My, my… he’s so very good at saying exactly what he knows people want to hear! There are a lot of people like him in the world; battered spouses know them, police depts are familiar with them, many politicians share his qualities. And he’s probably manipulated his family all his life, just for practice. Cynical? Nah, just a realist with a lot of experience in observing real life. Anyone really think he’s going to change?
TPM— this has all the smell of a stunt manufactured by a lawyer paid for by mommy and daddy. Why are you giving it publicity?
First step, now your life needs to reflect the truths you have recognized.
I don’t really get the insistence on calling him a “bro.” Is it the new thing to call young white guys “bro” as a kind of revenge for labels that white males have supposedly placed on others?
Aside from that, the kid clearly already has an alcohol problem. I hope that he gets the help he needs before continuing down this path.
Well, whether motivated by a desire to mitigate the consequences, sincere contrition or both, credit for trying. Don’t know if he’s a sociopath trying to evade punishment or a guy who really doesn’t understand what happens to him when he drinks, so, hell, I’ll give him a benefit of the doubt.
I’ve known a lot of seemingly decent people who turn into real, honest-to-god monsters when they drink over the years. A lot. I’ve always tried to reserve judgment on whether it’s just a matter of the real them coming out when their inhibitions are suppressed or whether the alcohol is doing something more complex to their brains that’s truly turning them into someone they aren’t. I’ve seen similar things happen to people when they smoke weed, though far more rarely.
I simply have no personal frame of reference to evaluate what’s happening and thus don’t feel like I can judge.
(I did notice, back in the day, that cocaine had a pretty much 100% success rate in turning people into complete, total, raging assholes, but that’s a whole other thing.)
“drunk mac and cheese bro” is going to look so great on his resume…
It’s almost like an attorney wrote the statement for him, or something.
Whether it’s a sincere apology or lawyer written statement forced on him by his parents I don’t know. One thing I do know is thank God there wasn’t smart phones and social media around when I was 19. My stupid behavior back then is only dimly remembered by a few friends and family, not preserved forever for the entire world to replay.
I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he uses this to evaluate his life and seek treatment for his obvious drinking problem.
I don’t see why the little asshole shouldn’t do some court ordered “volunteerism”
three times a week at a food bank for about a year or two?
Funny thing. This kid was actually no worse than some of the asshole drunks we had to deal with working security at my university’s live venue. The only difference is that where I grew up, the drinking age is 18 so none of the drunken assholes were breaking the law.
People act like he’s the first 19 year old to do some dumb shit when he was drunk.
Millions of people may have seen it, but the bottom line is he didn’t rape or murder anyone, cheat retirees out of their life savings, or shut down the federal government and cost us all billions because he didn’t like a law. He didn’t even get behind the wheel. He mouthed off and shoved someone. I don’t see the need to question his sincerity, because it’s really not that big of a deal.
Duuuuuude. Like, whacked, man. This is buggin’ me out! You’re like one of those Baltimore people now, brah!
Ah, yes, “Whataboutery.” At least we know to avoid your kids since everything is relative and you’ve not taught them a damn thing.
“This is not me” is not entirely true. It is him, when he’s drunk at least. Different people have different reactions to being drunk. Some turn ugly, and those people especially should reconsider drinking at all.
Maybe if he applies for a job with Chesebrough-Pond’s.
Amen! My friends and I are constantly reflecting on the hell life would’ve been had social media and camera phones been readily available when we were in our college years and, well, most of our 20s. I don’t think it’s fair to write him off as a human being or assume the actions of a drunk 19 year old are the whole of who he is and who he’ll be. Like you, I hope he gets treatment (if that’s what he needs), or gets his drinking under control some other way. But I’m not willing to write off a 19 year old for his drunken antics anymore than I would’ve wanted the same done to my once 19 year old, drunken self.
You’re attacking a person’s children on a message board because they voiced a polite opinion with which you disagreed. Get a grip.
Again, this isn’t newsworthy, outside of TPM’s continued dipping of toes anti-white race-baiting.
Again, this is like Drudge or Breitbart posting random videos or stories of the knockout game or black teens attacking white teens. Trying to distort the poor impulse control of children, teens and young adults into a calculated message of a systemic, racial problem, an endemic problem of one’s culture or genes.
Red meat sure is delicious, but the reason we call stories like this red meat, is that they’re ultimately bad for you. There’s no significance to this piece other than reinforcing stereotypes, and giving your readers a tiny dopamine rush of schadenfreude and/or ressentiment.