Discussion: Drudge Thinks Hillary May Be Holding A Walker On People Magazine Cover

Drudge was overdosing with Maureen Dowd and still hasn’t come down.


I can’t help but laugh. This is what happens when mixing celebrity with political branding.

BTW, Hill got over Monica but did they talk it through?

Drudge did good but they missed the wedding band. Is Hillary wearing hers or not? And if not …

Drudge and MoDo caught together In Flagrante Bloviato


I’d say we’ve reached peak wingnut, but there is no such thing, is there?


Note to Drudge: Everyone is “aging”. Get over it!


Well, duh! There is considerably more evidence for that than any of the innuendo that the coward Drudge spews.

Is that a mustache Drudge is sporting? To hide the stretch marks? Sorry, had to get that one in.


Hahahahaha…I wonder if Matty was up all night weeping with his wife, Johnny Walker, thinking this one up.

Someone should ask him to show his tattoo that says Hillary’s Bitch, because she OWNS him.


I will say that The Doctor used a similar idea on Harriet Jones (Prime Minister) to such a devastating effect that she had to flee back in time and hide out at Downton Abbey.

Needless to say, this type of stuff works.


Drudge needs a walker for his lame brain.

Only if it applies to women. Older men are “distinguished,” older women are…something else.


Nothing like the sweet smell of Republican desperation to go with my morning coffee.


Hmm. Just what does one call a dead immortal?


This just makes me want to see what he uses in place of patio furniture if he can’t recognize it.

Is he kicking back, relaxing, perched on a Weber grill?


“Some people” are raising just that question … let’s discuss!


I really liked your tugboat-hauling Reagan a lot and it reminds me of some of the cult of personality and propaganda surrounding Mao Ze Dong as he aged.

Although Mao was in his early 70s, party propagandists claimed that the
Chairman had swum nearly 15 km in 65 min. that day–a world-record pace,
if true. The contention elicited guffaws from foreign observers, who
took the claim as a sign that China was descending into political
madness. http://content.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2054250,00.html

In reality, he just sort of floated with the current a ways downstream. There is even a poster with Mao in a bathrobe exhorting his countrymen to take to the river. I wish I knew how to link images as the poster is unintentionally humorous.

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Yes, that’s a walker, all right. Thank-you, Sherlock Holmes!

Oy…Dubya’s middle name now the latest Rethug-ginned imaginary scandal…WalkerGate!
Yes, HRC’s white, wrought iron ‘walker’ masquerading as a patio chair…how fiendish!

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Hey, Drudge, what’s that you’re holding on to? At least have the decency to keep it in your pants.

Didn’t Drudge & Co. ever seen what a walker look like. Only GOATS posing like POLITICAL intellectuals can IMAGINE like this.