And, as anyone who has studied healthcare knows, one of the ways of avoiding medical events is to have fairly regular contact with the medical profession. Which is why insurance companies effectively subsidize ongoing care.
Women are the easier target, but the anti-sex fanatics will ultimately crack down on men, too. They wonât be happy until the only fucking going on is between youth pastors and their victims.
You and others here are acting like we live in a sensible, perfect world where everyone is open to reasoned argument and doesnât react emotionally. Thatâs not the world we live in. In this world, millions of people have an emotional/religious objection to contraception which threatens the viability of the overall health reform.
If you remember, we almost lost the ACA because of Catholic Democratic congressmen who objected to including contraception and abortion. Contraception IS small stuff compared to serious diseases. It simply doesnât cost that much and there are other ways to make it available to the poor.
Insisting on including it almost lost us the whole ACA and got us that noxious Hobby Lobby decision - and now contraception is going to be jettisoned from the ACA anyway! Lose Lose.
Seeing those nuns and priests fawn over Gruppenfuehrer Trump validates Christopher Hitchenâs remark that right-wing Catholicism is classical Fascism.
Everyone uses contraception. Even Catholics. Especially Catholics. Iâd like it if we could acknowledge that and stop pretending that the majority of Americans donât fuck for pleasure.
Iâm not saying contraception has nothing to do with womenâs; health care. Iâm saying that it doesnât cost that much (and it doesnât - a couple of hundred dollars a year).
If we lived in an enlightened European society - great - cover everything. But we donât. We have to make choices about which battles to fight. By fighting this one we jeopardize health reform and much else for a relatively small-ticket item
Said an obvious non-user of birth control. I donât personally find your opinion worth shit.
So why are Catholics and the Catholic Church doing everything in their power to fight contraceptive coverage under the ACA? Why are so many Catholics voting for Trump so they can get an anti-abortion SCOTUS?
Not sure of your point. Yeah it would be great if all health care were free, but itâs not and itâs not going to be anytime soon. In the meantime, we need insurance primarily to protect us from major health issues and to make it possible to seek treatment without fear of potential cost. Contraception is just not in that category - it is a relatively small, predictable expense.
I say: why weigh down an already controversial health reform with hot button issues that are not really of major financial concern. Iâd feel the same way about comparable male issues. I see no reason why Viagra should be covered, for example, and I donât think it is required by the ACA (Viagra costs quite a bit more than BC pills, btw). .
Because they are of obvious financial concern to women which you obviously arenât.
Yes, it was absolutely worth it. And it will be worth it in 2021 when the rules are reimplemented.
As a former Catholic who continues to respect the churchâs social justice work, that day when the nuns embraced Trump and his ideas made me physically ill. Many communities of nuns devote their lives to caring for poor women and children - how could they stand there and endorse Trump or the GOP policies???
Obviously, youâve never had a uterine cyst or fibroids. Youâve also never laid in bed with horrifying cramps as you cycle through one pad tampon after another. Youâve also never gone through the soul crushing fear you could be pregnant. Thatâs why this is small stuff to you.
Pregnancy IS a big ticket item!
To say the least.
Actually, my wife used BC for many years and I am well aware of how it works and what it costs.
We donât live in a perfect world We have to make choices about what battles to fight. By fighting this one over a relatively small financial matter ( a few hundred a year at most), we risked losing the whole health reform and got one of the worst Supreme Court decision of recent years, one that will have negative effects that we will be feeling for many years to come.
Sigh. A lot of women canât use the generic or cheapest birth control.
And pregnancy is covered, as it should be. The Republicans want to change that.
I donât really care about your opinion on the worldâs state of perfection.
Cutting womenâs health care from the ACA is a nonstarter.
Or state where insurance is unobtainable. Think small, low population rural states.
If the cost of all these carve outs get too high, it cuts into the profit margin. Bye, bye small state with not very many customers.