Discussion: Draft Trump Rule Shows Broad Opt-Out To Obamacare Birth Control Mandate

Free birth control has very much reduced abortions. You can’t have it both ways. I am pro-life for the most part and therefore support free birth control.


Frankly I think this is all smoke and mirrors. 99.9% of employers would continue to offer BC coverage. The .1% aren’t worth working for anyway. Just one more gift to the idiots who can now run around banging pots over their heads celebrating pissing off libruls.


This is why so many women had IUDs implanted while they could. Fuck everything.

@kwoodgr And many alleged “pro-life” activists claim that contraceptives are abortifacients because all they really care about is stopping people from having sex. I’m grateful for honest people like you who are willing acknowledge the reality that birth control is a necessity if you actually care about limiting abortions.


Small potatoes, considering the AHCA already has a major carve-out that allows insurance companies and entire states to opt out of healthcare coverage if they have monetary, misogynistic, or socio-economic objections.

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This is bad, but frankly I always thought it was a mistake to bring issues like contraception and abortion into the ACA. Yes, in an ideal world they should be covered, but we don’t live in an ideal world. Millions of people have highly emotionalized views on these subjects because of religious and other reasons.

The fact is that health coverage is about big ticket items: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, major accidents, etc. Contraception and abortion just don’t meet the test for what needs to be covered by insurance. We should never have jeopardized health reform be insisting on including these emotionalized issues that are relatively small ticket items anyway. Find another way to cover contraception and abortion and don’t weigh down the primary health reform with hot button issues.

In fact, the insistence on including contraception in the ACA is what led to the Hobby Lobby decision, which will have all kinds of negative spillover effects, and now contraception will be pulled from the ACA anyway. Was it worth it?

Companies do not have moral or religious beliefs. If people want to play god with their employees, they can forego all the subsidies and legal protections that come with forming a corporate entity.

I think the real kicker in this is allowing insurance companies to opt out. There will be huge campaigns from the usual pro-death types to pressure insurance companies to stop offering coverage. Sure, not in all states, but in the same states where women are already under threat in many different ways. Which means an ever-more divided country.


So health care reform shouldn’t be about medical care that only women need?


That’s not really accurate.


This is outrageous. If Trump and these fake religious people were really serious about their opposition to birth control, they would take the next logical step and criminalize male nocturnal emissions and masturbation. You can’t preach the sanctity of sperm meeting egg while ignoring the daily spermicide of trillions of innocent sperm in the United States who spend their their short, tragic lives as nothing more than bit players in fantasies about Christina Hendricks.


It shouldn’t be about hot button issues that are not big ticket items. That’s counterproductive. As you can see, we’re losing on it - contraception will be taken out of the ACA and we have that noxious Hobby Lobby decision to deal with besides.

Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Thank you @paulw for pointing out that health insurance includes women’s medical care and that women’s medical care goes beyond BC. Of course, there will always be those _______ like williamw who just assume that contraception has nothing to do with women’s medical care.

Just tell the broads that they need to go to the drugstore and get some condoms, amirite???


Desiring sex for reasons other than procreation is just a (yucky, librul, morally offensive) preexisting condition. No coverage for those anymore.


An unwanted pregnancy is not small stuff.


Well, what do you think it’s about if not big ticket items that can cause financial ruin and medical bankruptcies? The primary purpose of any insurance is to prevent financial disaster.

Fool - contraception is most decidedly NOT small stuff.

Contraception CAN prevent a medical bankruptcy.


Pregnancies are covered. The cost of preventing a pregnancy actually is pretty small. Generic birth control pills start in the 10 to 20 dollar a month range. This is not a political statement - it’s just a statement of fact.

For millions in this country, a relatively minor medical event IS a financial disaster.


What you don’t know about prescribing the right type of contraceptive is pretty glaring.


Love seeing nuns embrace the pussy-grabber. Opposed to abortion, undoubtedly they cheer that U.S. abortions in 2016 reached their lowest rate since Roe v. Wade (1974), with the ACA’s expanded coverage including contraception.

With reduced access to contraception, will they cheer the rise in abortions and in numbers of neglected and unwanted children that will predictably result?