Discussion: Doug Jones: 'I Think We Need To Move On' From Trump Misconduct Allegations

The return of the Blue Dog Democrat. When you have Republicans dominating Congress they can be helpful.

It is presumptuous to say that Doug Jones isn’t a decent person. He sounds like a decent person to me even if I don’t agree with some of his politics. When I was much younger politics wasn’t about purity as much as it is today. People were elected who did a good job in their elected position even if I didn’t agree with every single word they said or every single vote they made. I would much rather have a Doug Jones than a racist, psuedo religious person in the Senate. Every legislator, if they are going to last is beholden to the people in their state. Our Senator Merkley, Oregon, tries to persuade the conservative voters of our state of the value of many of his more progressive views to them. He listens to their views respectfully. This is the way to try to do the best for your constituency and the country. This is how grown-ups behave.

I rather get the impression he’s cut a deal with Trump, which is why Trump is saying things like Jones is the winner. To me, Jones sounds like another conservative Democrat; one of these people who think they can make a deal with the fascists and get some good out of it. I’d hoped for more from the man who prosecuted the bombers of the 16th Street Baptist Church. Still, definitely a lesser evil than Moore

BTW, CNN’s web site advertising is disgusting.

Absolutely! Dismissing the sexual assault #metoo era were in now, was not politically (or morally) advantageous.

Solid point, and worthy of serious introspective thought. It seems to me that you and mattinpa are preaching collectively to the same choir…my two cents.

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Jones should probably just keep it zipped until he gets that election certification

Well, I totally get that people feel besieged and unwilling to make a painful sacrifice at this point. But that’s how you demonstrate a commitment to a principle, by making sacrifices. And you put aside partisan tribalism to do it. That’s how you show you’re not a partisan tribalist. I was a bit dismayed at how much like the bad guys we sounded here in saying it was all a big conspiracy hit job and we don’t trust the women coming forward it’s all lies blah blah and so forth. By all means take this stuff case by case, but let’s not do exactly what Fox does. If we’re different and better than them for Christ’s sake let’s show it in the hard times when it counts. Put it this way: This is a great community, and one big reason is a general thirst for informed insight into politics. The thirst for nuance and balance is less, uh, avid.


Fanaticism is marked by persistence in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The very reasonable moderates who issue a pass to Jones for his mysteriously overarticulated attempt at ‘bipartisanship’ have not, it appears, taken in the fact that this strategy has failed over & over, giving the right something like monopoly control of the governmental apparatus from bottom to top.

In this case, Jones won because a well-structured campaign successfully and persistently characterized Moore as the creep he is while coupling that to a major get-out-the-vote effort. It turned Jones’s motto ‘honor & civility’ from the usual pablum into something toxic and effective. The fanatics of moderation, again, cannot take this in.

Jones himself advises us to "not worry about getting at odds with the President any more than we have to.” Because bringing cupcakes to the gunfight has worked so well.

Sigh… are you guys serious here? Yes, obviously I’m suggesting that giving Trump a pass will magically fund CHIP.

I mean, it’s not as though I was suggesting that Doug Jones campaigned on things like CHIP and intentionally avoided issues like Trump’s past in order to keep his barely-existing electoral coalition together in Alabama, right?

No, what I actually meant is the inane point that you find it easier to argue against.

Helpful tip for you guys: If you can’t win an argument with reason and logic, try to avoid this manufactured outrage technique. It’s very… Fox News of you.

Solution - elect more women. Elect more women of color.

First, you’d better make an appointment for yourself.

I’m OK with that but I do like him pointing out the hypocrisy of it all.

But what it comes down to is this: If EVIDENCE warrants Impeachment, where does this schmuck come down? Is he going to forget his oath of office and the oath he’ll take as a Senator to judge evidence Impartially in a Senate Trial and say “Move on” to that as well?
I think the conscience of this man has now been called into question out of his own mouth.
He is a DINO and ought to have the guts to change parties after he’s sworn in, just like the other Nudnik from Alabama.

I agree completely, keep the heat on him from every direction and I’d love to see his accusers get justice. I’m just pointing out he will never resign over being an abusive asshole to women. Something else maybe, but not that. Though, I’d love to see that too, it just won’t happen.

IANAL, but, is it still considered an “allegation” if the perp admits his guilt?

TPM, what’s up with the comments section on the newer articles?

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you think this man has a conscience?

This guy is dead tired from the campaign and ought to have slept for a week before talking to the press. He mis-spoke in a way that reads like a tell but he was probably just trying to tell Alabama that he was not going to re-hash the election and woukd try to get things working for them.

As long as he caucuses with us, we are ahead. And consider the alternative.

Maybe this guy has something in his past if he is now saying he supports a sexual predator. Jones now needs to be investigated.

Nope. All ammo, all the time, 24/7.

“The proof of the pudding is in the eating”

Will be interesting to see senator Doug Jones’ voting record in 6 month or so…

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