Discussion: Donations To Clinton Foundation May Hurt Hillary's 2016 Campaign

Discussion for article #233529

Will this incessant crap ever end? How does TPM help by repeating in print everything Fox and the other idiots say and do?


I knew this was an AP piece when I saw the headline.
I read on another site that Hillary Clinton has hired a firm to conduct self - opposition research. She’ll be ready for what the right and their lapdogs in the MSM throw at her.
Oh, the main reasons I want Clinton or whoever is the Democratic nominee to win are Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito.


Let me see if I got this right. We are supposed to think the Clinton Foundations philanthropic work around the world is a problem? Helping to eradicate HIV, provide clean drinking water to 3rd world countries, setting up schools is controversial or tricky for a would be candidate? But the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Aldelson and others funneling unlimited cash to candidates is not much to think about.

I’m clear now



If it’s good enough for the Chamber of Commerce via Citizen’s United it’s good enough for the Clinton’s.

“What we found were several fundraising documents that the Chamber has been using in places like Bahrain (and) India. The documents say foreign businesses are welcome and ask that these businesses send money to the same campaign account the 501©(6) that the Chamber is using to run attack ads,” Fang said. “And they’re telling these foreign businesses that they can have a voice in American public policy debates.”

It’s illegal, Fang noted, for foreign companies to spend money in American elections.

“However — because the Chamber doesn’t disclose (their funding) and they’ve killed every effort to force disclosure on these campaign ads, we don’t know the extent of this[and] we don’t know how these funds are used,” he said. “But it’s important to note that all of these funds are co-mingled once they go inside this internal campaign account. (The Chamber) say they have internal controls but they’ve produced no documentation (and) no proof.”

link: http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2010/10/07/130399554/fresh-air


Priebus then challenged Clinton to join him in denouncing the Citizens United ruling, the use of unlimited secret campaign contributions, the proliferation of tax-exempt political attack organizations disguised as nonprofit social welfare and education groups, and the absurd argument that campaign cash equals free speech.

Or not.


Maybe TPM should explain what the Clinton Foundation actually does instead of just spewing repug talking points.


Cut to the last paragraph of an article about the possibility of a HRC candidacy and victory. The article in its entirety tells me to disregard much of the time-consuming speculation.

She appears to be far better positioned than she was eight years ago. If she barely lost then, why would she lose now?

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Here is the list of Carter Center donors who’ve given $1M+ over the life of the Center:

Here’s the Clinton Foundation list:

Please note the overlap.

Furthermore, most of these donors have been giving to the Clinton Foundation since 2001, when no reasonable donor could have been expecting Hillary Clinton to run for president in 2008 and 2016. Not to mention that it’s unlikely that major treaty and/or strategic allies are resorting to charitable donations to get the attention of a potential president eight to sixteen years in advance.

I’m sure TPM isn’t making a rule that running a charitable foundation or being married to someone who does so is per se a headache for a presidential candidate. (No, such a rule might apply to Democrats not named Clinton.) The headline here should be: “Republicans Mislead on Clinton Foundation but People Who Don’t Get Their News from Fox Know Better.”


It really is astounding how much press the “Obama doesn’t love America”, “Obama is not a Christian” yada yada yada has gotten all across the board this week. Who really gives a rat’s ass about these fools saying foolish things? At the very least, it would be nice to have to sensible counter response asking the simple question: "this is silly and who the fuck cares because it is a NON event?’ I get it that it points to how crazy and childish the political right has become but MY GOD we all know that by now!

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Who would the average voter armed with information prefer to see as First Spouse, brilliant, gregarious, humanitarian, witty Bill Clinton or shy, extremely reluctant to give up privacy and uncomfortable with politics, afraid of the spotlight and disdainful of the family business Columba? He’ll make the case for HRC just as he makes the case for anyone who for whom he goes on the campaign trail. Jebbie’s going to pick up a lot of questionable money before this is over and it’ll need light shone on it.

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Wait, two county supervisors in Iowa are the go to sources for “Democrats” these days? Okay


OMG, say it ain’t so, the Clinton Global Initiative is Global. The horror, the audacity, the Clintonesqueness of it all.
The Clinton’s think big, Global even, while the closest thing that the Repubs have to them is Romney the off-shoring, tax dodge King.

The bushs have been hand in glove with the Saudis for decades at least and Jeb is raking in millions from ‘somewhere’ we’ll never know. And after Citizens United, no one can claim conflict of interest and keep a straight face, especially the Party that turned corporations into people.

The Republicans have nothing but talking points and this particular one sends the arrow right back at them. The Republican Party is nothing if not shady.