Discussion: Donald Trump: We Have To 'Strongly Consider' Shutting Down Mosques

“…and I hear the moon is made of green cheese! Not me, but a lot of people say the moon is made of green cheese! Not just cheese! Green cheese! And we should be getting some of that green cheese! People say we should be sending missions to the moon to harvest the green cheese! Not me! People!”


December 2005

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”

“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”


What a dumb-ass!

You need to read the US constitution fool. That’s unconstitutional in our country.

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And may I add,

take away tax exemption for ALL “religions” and their organizations too!


If that is the criteria of closing Mosques…the same should be applied to the Mega Churches of Hate…and the False Church of Later Day Saints…the list is long, yet the fevered appeal to these fake christians, is violence, intolerance, hate, fear…etc…the GOP’s Political Platform…DC has been a prime target for our many enemies…so this is not a surprise…the Daesh are losing, thanks to the calm and steady approach of PBO…the Syrian Policy, may not have been perfect, but it has had it’s intended effect…Now, the gloves have come off, the Russians are pissed over their Airliner, and now Paris…and lest we forget about Beirut, they were attacked as well…so, this may be the death throes of Daesh…hopefully…

When will this fuckin’ nightmare of a candidacy end???


The Constitution has been crippled in many respects, especially in the alleged service of preventing and prosecuting crime and terrorism. One prime example is the 4th Amendment, which in large measure is essentially moot at this point.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Search warrants are routinely waived. Police can surveille your home from the air, they can scan it using heat detecting devices. The NSA can gather your electronic communications. All can be done without an agency openly alleging or making known to the judiciary they specifically suspect you of criminal activity. The Constitution says whatever the police and intelligence agencies want it to say.


If ‘hatred’ is the reason to close religious facilities, then Donnie needs to consider the CircusMegaChurches first.

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My understanding is that sharia is used for contracts. Effectively “That which is not stated explicitly in this contract shall follow guidelines in this other document”. Whether or not that is a good idea, I don’t see it as incompatible with the constitution.

God damn he’s an idiot…he’ll be surging in the republican polls!


Honest to GOD you stupid POS. ONE MORE TIME the Founding Fathers wept.

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Have you noticed that when the subject is gun control, the Constitution is sacrosanct and immutable. When it is inconvenient, the constitution is merely a piece of paper.


HITLER politics.


Donald Trump is pernicious. Pandering to fear and hatred will buy this demagogue some votes, but the very idea is is vile.


Witty, but I don’t remember Jews beheading Germans in the lead up to WWII. Just saying.

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Clearly, ZaraTrumpstra doesn’t understand simple declarative English sentences:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

Or maybe ZaraTrumpstra is confusing being President with being The Sun King (Le Roi Soleil, good old “I am the State” Leroy).

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Remember, every republican has their own version of the Constitution in their heads, which, like the special snowflakes they are, is unique and completely unfathomable by others.

Its only us quaint liberals who use a single, existing document that can be reviewed and discuss by all.


This guys a real leader-not. If you want WWIII and a billion dead you will vote for Trump.

True. Then again, I’m sure that there were at least a handful of Jews in Europe who were perfectly horrible people. At least a few of them were certainly murderers and rapists. Out of a worldwide Muslim population of 1.6 billion, how many are vicious psychopaths?

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If he’s the GOP Prez nominee it’ll buy him the vote of nearly every Republican, conservative, evangelical, skinhead and Bircher in the nation.