I think “douchebag” sums it all up in one word.
I think Trump should realize that his country and our own have a common interest in defeating ISIS. Yes, Russia and the US are opposed on many issues but here we can work together and it doesn’t help for Trump and other Kremlin patriots to demonize the Democrats.
The GOP nominee also renewed his call to “suspend the refugee flows from Syria and other dangerous countries,” rather than singling out Muslim immigration as a threat to national security in so many words.
***France and Germany, NATO allies of the U.S., are now dangerous countries, no different than Syria in Trump's mind.***
Donald Trump Suggests He’d Expand
His Plans to Limit Immigration
Donald J. Trump suggested in an interview on Sunday that he would expand
his proposed immigration restrictions to include anyone entering the United
States from countries or territories “compromised” by terrorism, including
allies such as Germany and France.
Mr. Trump’s comments, in an appearance on the NBC program “Meet the
Press,” appeared intended to clarify portions of his speech at the Republican
convention indicating that he might be rolling back his earlier proposed ban
on Muslim immigration. Mr. Trump indicated that the United States needed to
protect itself from the failures of countries like France, which he said had
allowed itself to be infiltrated by terrorists.
“I actually don’t think it’s a rollback. In fact, you could say it’s an
expansion,” Mr. Trump said in the interview with the NBC host Chuck Todd.
“I’m looking now at territory.” In the coming weeks, Mr. Trump told Mr. Todd,
he would be unveiling a detailed list of countries and territories from which
immigrants would be subject to “extreme vetting.
If the MSM lets him do this, we ARE toast.
Where is the discussion of the Russian Hack Job?
If I polled 100 posters here at TPM, practically none could come up with anything that could be used as an idea to get the MSM to ask Trump some pertinent questions, call his inconsistencies out or address his 1001 weaknesses (including the Russian Hack Job). That is to be expected, because we have very little control of the MSM.
Somewhere between now and November the Dems are going to have to come up with SOMETHING so as to address this glaring problem.
“The people in this room know better than anybody else or any other audience what I mean by weakness."
Teatroll Rosetta Stone:
“Weakness” = Failure to divert billions of dollars to the Military Industrial Complex in order to engage in corporate imperialism on behalf of the oligarchy.
Tangerine Mussolini
Donald Trump will be able to stop ISIS with tweets .
Donald has the best most awesome tweets you have ever seen.
ISIS will quake in fear and the sight of Donald’s tweets.
If there is an international crisis -Boom problem solved in 140 characters .
It will be the best tweet you have ever seen . The best tweet in the history of the world .
The tweets will be so successful you will say Donald , please stop tweeting
Is Drumpf part of Putin’s Politburo?
Undersecretary Drumpf of the Sturm und Drang Ministry.
NOT TRUE!!!1111!!!
Republicans do NOT deny that those years exist, they just remember that the Iraqis greeted us as liberators, that we DID find WMD everywhere, that Saddam Hussein planned the 9-11 attacks, that the global financial crisis was a result of deregulation of the financial industry by the Clinton administration, predatory lending practices by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the market pricing in the inevitable fiasco resulting from Barack Obama stealing the election.
Now if you want to discuss how President Nixon was framed by the DNC in 1973 and how the 1983 Beirut barracks bombings were Walter Mondale’s fault we can do that too.
Yes, but you forgot to mention that those are his GOOD points.
His white hood covers the biggest one.
Oh right, I forgot that POWs are losers.
When trump won’t or can’t answer something which happens a lot because there’s nothing inside in his head, he’s been known to say it’s too early to talk about that. He did it on Morning Joe which is a cozy place for him. There is no question he will not defect, ignore, or turn away from and will instead just offer 15 minutes of stream of consciousness rantings. It is frustrating for sure.
Trump and truth are complete strangers.
Isn’t it true that Congress is going to investigate the death of 200 Marines killed in Beirut under Saint Ronnie’s watch. Thought I heard that.
And how FDR stole the election from Hoover?
That is not going to happen. This will be like the summer of 2010, where Democrats were busy finishing a 20 minute lecture to another right-wing lie, when the GOP has moved onto a newer, worser lie.
Are there ANY Republicans capable of thinking about the country before their party?
We had better hope so, because I do not see enough people capable of resisting the MSM onslaught in their plan to elect Donald Trump. Too many sheeple…too many sheeple.
Too many sheeple.
Hay tres cosas, y sólo tres cosas, que pueden salvar esta elección: los africanos-americanos, los latinos, y el pánico.
En octubre, el nivel de pánico aumentará, basta para luchar efectivamente contra la mierda que viene del partido republicano.
What is it we often say?
Well…we tried. A chance decision to let this man into the political arena with little or no requirement to tell the truth has, effectively, ended this planet.
But on the way to the destruction, the MSM are lining their pockets to spend on a soon-to-be-nonexistent planet.