After JFK was assassinated, I’m told that the joyful reactions of many Republicans led to permanent ends of many relationships.
After this election, I don’t think I can speak to anyone who supported Trump—ever.
He suggested that this could lead to voter fraud but did not appear to recommend that his supporters vote several times.
“In some places they probably do that four or five times. But we don’t do that. But that’s great,” he said.
Hole Lee Fucking Key-Riste. If I were Colorado’s top elections officials, I’d be livid. Donald is seriously trying to instigate an insurrection.
Same here. Nothing more than “Thank you for bagging my groceries,” and such. I want nothing to do with them.
Hey Trump
MSM : We need a horse race
SEE: FBI; Comey
Rigged System indeed
No help from mail in ballots needed when the rigging is in plain view
"Perhaps I’m a more skeptical person.”
You flatter yourself. You’re as credulous a mark as every other talk radio conspiracy theorist old man. Good luck spending your last week in Wisconsin and Michigan, dumbass.
Tony Schwartz, author of “The Art of the Deal”, was on Teebee the other day and had a great explanation of Drumpf’s election rigging claims. Simply, it’s that whenever HOTOG perceives he’s losing he builds a trap door he can fall through so he can blame others for his failure. Schwartz went on to say that losing to “a girl” is no doubt driving him absolutely bat-shit crazy.
I found that last claim kind of specious because, well, how could anyone tell the difference?
My parents and I agreed over 20 years ago to never talk politics again. I don’t know for an absolute fact that they voted for Trump, but given the fact that they were John Birchers in the '60s, voted for Wallace and I once saw a link to a Breitbart article on their computer, I feel I’m safe in my assumption.
This is the worst, though. At holidays, I’ll always feel like saying, “So, Mom and Dad, still feel good about voting for the Nazi?”
This piece should include reporting on the validity of Trump’s claims. It’s the unfiltered coverage of Trump that has allowed him to so successfully peddle his bullshit.
The biggest, most disingenuous asshole known to man creates an indelible stain on our democratic process and people are fine with it…he should be run out of town on a rail.
I’m sure they are. But I’m less sure this is about an insurrection in any conscious, planned way. something with some goal in mind. He couldn’t organize a two-car funeral; he couldn’t, as Prince Bandar famously said, lead eight ducks across the street. It would involve thought, planning, a modicum of attention and effort over time. I’m not sure Donald himself knows what he’s trying to do, other than instigate chaos because he hates everyone and everything. He’s mindlessly destructive. Someone a year ago compared him to the Joker and I think that’s pretty close. He hates pretty much everyone; if he doesn’t hate a particular person right away he will soon enough, and he lives to deal out injury in revenge. And yeah, anyone who can support him at this point is not a person I can have respect for or social dealings with. The GOP has to go, and the right-wing noise machine too.
I couldn’t have said it better. And I also agree that he (and most Republicans) aren’t focused or smart enough to lead an insurrection – but they sure do know how to cry for one. As usual, they’re hoping someone else does all the hard work.
He’d love to see an insurrection, I’m sure of that. He would fucking love it. He’s nuts.
It’s the Trickster Demon campaign strategy.
Perfect day for it too. : )
I blame it all on the bridge players. They won’t stop saying “Trump. Trump. Trump.” annnnd it’s Showtime all over again.
I would suggest Loki of Norse mythology." Loki is portrayed as a scheming coward who cares only for shallow pleasures and self-preservation. He’s by turns playful, malicious, and helpful, but he’s always irreverent and nihilistic."
Right, you can’t think about the Joker without getting into the Trickster mythology, but the problem there is the Trickster is usually clever, where Trump is pretty relentlessly dumb and is himself incredibly gullible. The person I’m thinking of who compared Trump to the Joker (probably one of Slate’s political writers) was thinking specifically Heath Ledger’s Joker, with an emphasis on the mindless, hateful chaos and destruction he was always dealing out.
I agree, as long as it’s done in support of him. Any show of support for HRC, however tepid, he takes as a personal insult and attack. No matter the situation, Cheeto Benito can figure out a way to cry about it, which probably makes him the saddest whiny diaper baby ever to run for national office.
Well, I’m British. And I’m terrified of this heinous stumpy handed sticky fingered orange faced shit gibbon winning next week. And so is every Brit I talk to.
I do what I can to get the message out through Facebook and Twitter but it’s up to you guys to fight the good fight and win this thing.
Comey needs shaking until his brain flips the right way up and he answers the questions about HO and the Russians. I’m guessing that ain’t gonna happen though
God speed my friends across the pond, which ever deity you pray to has got to be working overtime right now.